Kid 3

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Cassandra the maid called me to dinner that evening but all I want to do, is cry and avoid the man who owns and control my heart and I last thing I want is for him to discover how he makes me feel.

I am barely asleep when a faint knock comes to my door and I'm barely able to pull myself up the bed when it opens. I gasp and quickly cover my body as I am in my under wears which hardly covers anything on my body and I glace up to see William standing in my room, his hands behind his back, striding around my room like a captain I only have been able to see in epic movies.

The next minute we spend in silent and I can feel the giant elephant in the room while I clench on the bed sheets hardly, he walks around, not looking at me. I mentally begin to sing cold water by Justin Bieber in my mind while I wait for him to break the silent.

"I noticed you weren't at dinner." he begins in a cool and concern tone and although he doesn't look my way, I know his face would definitely be filled with questions I'm not willing to answer.

"I wasn't feeling well," I reply saying the first thing that crosses my mind and it isn't a complete lie because after crying for so long, my usual migraine returned and so now my eyes hurt. "I wanted to stay in bed."

In the swift movement he moves from the center of the room and he's comes to stand to my bed close and I look up at him as he carefully examine my face before bringing his hand up too touch my forehead and only withdrawing it when he feels the hotness.

"I'll tell Cassandra to get you some medicine." He says, sitting down on the bed close to me and I don't know if it's from fear, but I move further away from him. "I thought you didn't come down because of earlier." He tells me and a shade of rosy red shade appears on his cheeks.

"It wasn't about that William," I lie and avoid his eyes that are currently trying to search into mine, "and I'm sorry, for asking you such a bizarre question in the first place." I sigh in defeat, "I just wanted to know if there was a chance of being liked by anyone."

"Kid, there would come a day when a nice, caring and loving guy will walk into your life and make you glad you waited this long."

"What if he doesn't even notice me?" I ask.

"Then it's his loss," he answer and he gets off the bed before walking to the door. "Your birthday is this Thursday, you've got any plan?" he asks, changing the subject.

I shrug "Not really." I reply a little clueless hell I didn't even know it is this Thursday .

"Well whatever plan you make up, let me know."

"Okay I will." I nod with a genuine smile.

If a smile almost appears to his face, he doesn't let it stay before walking out of my room. I pull the cover over my head and slowly closing my eyes and I fall asleep.

The next morning I dress up for school, stuffing my books which I scattered earlier on the floor back into my bag and hang it before walking out of my room.

"Good morning Ms. Butler, breakfast is ready." Cassandra tells me immediately I walk out of my room giving me her usual morning smile and I return it.

"Thanks Cassandra." I answer hurrying up to the table to my breakfast bread, sauced egged and tea. I take my seat and began to eat it, but unlike most of the breakfast I've had, today I am alone on the table because William isn't here. It was unlike him not to be at breakfast table, it has always been like a ritual and he never misses it.

When I see Simon waiting for me beside the car, I decided to ask him instead since no one else in the house knows William movement around the state like he did.

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