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"Stella?" I called out into the seemingly empty apartment.

"Yo! Stella Barakat, you home?" I called again.

"I'm here!" She poked her head out from the kitchen.

"And how did you manage to break into Jack and mines apartment?" She chuckled walking back to her place at the counter, mixing ingredients.

"Your big brother gave me a key. And by gave me a key I stole it from his key ring." I sat up on the counter.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Stella joked.

"Ah, but you love me." I walked next to her and dipped my finger into the mixture of the cake.

"Hey! That's for Kayla's birthday!" Kayla was Rian's daughter.

"Well now the cake tastes like Alex and Chocolate." I smirked.

It was a perfect moment.

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