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Isaac watched as Simon and Maureen sung, her staring at him and him staring at Clary. It was a vicious cycle, two people in love with someone who would never love them back. It reminded him of Stiles, Lydia, and Aiden. Even if she never wanted to admit it, he knew that Lydia loved Aiden – like Jackson before. But he also saw the hurt in Stiles' eyes whenever she talked about him or he talked about her.

"Forever young, I wanna be forever young, do you really want to live forever, forever young." They finished singing. The audience clapped, along with Isaac (who was glad that their awful song was over), and they walked out.

Clary and Isaac stood next to each other, him wanting to protect her. "Thanks for being our roadie," Maureen smiled at the two.

"Please," Isaac rolled his eyes, "if I had a choice, I wouldn't be here right now. No offence."

The redhead scoffed, waiting for someone to say something else. Simon, who noticed, spoke up. "Yeah, and thank you for being our artist in residence."

She smiled at him. "Of course. So you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema." The two laughed and glanced together, excitement building inside Isaac as he waited for their next awful name.

"What were we thinking?" Simon asked, looking at Maureen for conformation before continuing, "But now...we're Rock Solid Panda." Simon finished putting on his shirt (since he wanted to 'look cool' as he said, but Isaac only thought he would look slightly less like a dork) and looked at the two girls' beside him.

Maureen smiled up to Simon. "Yeah, we are." Isaac groaned and rolled his eyes, doing a little turn to avoid seeing the humans in front of him. Clary hit his shoulder to tell him to stop and be nice, her 'nice' way of showing it. Though, to Isaac, her hit was hard and really hurt.

"Rock Solid Panda, coming up. I'm feeling inspired." Clary shook the can before going to do her work, which sparked fear inside Isaac. After the events that had happened today, he was afraid of what would happen next. There was a feeling inside him that made him want to take Clary and run away, yet he didn't. "Paint, paint." Simon called after her, bringing more cans to help Clary, like always.

After what felt like an eternity to Isaac, she finally finished and took a step back to see her masterpiece. He had to admit that it looked pretty good, but the tag on the middle of the side of the van made him uneasy. It was a sign of the Shadowhunters, and he was afraid.

"What's that tag?" Simon pointed to the tag that Isaac feared. He looked at Clary, studying her to see if she was starting to remember, but it was only confusion on her face.

"Weird, I didn't even mean to draw that." She looked at Isaac to see if he knew, but he acted like he didn't, causing her to feel self-conscious. "Second time today."

This caused Isaac to look at her once again, but she didn't notice. "You know," Maureen started, "they have confirmed cases of people waking up in the morning speaking French, and they never studied the language."

Isaac looked at her in surprise, wondering why she would know that. But, then again, Stiles did do research on people sacrificing babies at alters when the darach came back to Beacon Hills. The thought of Stiles made his heart hurt again, he had never gotten over leaving them.

"Do you think that's some kind of language?" Maureen only shrugged at Clary's question.

Isaac scoffed, "A language? Please, Maureen, that is a symbol. Sym-m-bol not a language. Like, what?" He laughed nervously at the end.

Clary looked at Isaac in confusion, wondering why he would care about this. "Why do you care? Do you know what it is?" Isaac shook his head ferociously, trying to draw away her suspicion, but it only made it worse.

Inside of Me ━ Isabelle LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now