Chapter 13

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My mom slammed the door hard behind me. She slammed it so hard the apartment shook a little bit. 

I stood still. Either she was finna cuss me out real bad, or beat the hell out of me. I braced myself for both. 

My mom lit her cigarette, looking at me coldly. She took a long drag on it, and blew a cloud of smoke in the air. 

“You got five seconds! To tell me what the hell is going on before I snap, and don’t wanna hear shit, and be on yo ass like White cops be on niggas” my mom sneered. 

I swallowed hard. 

My voice was gone. 

“I uh I umm I j-just got in a fight mama. It wasn’t my fault. Raymond started.  He hit me first, I had to defend myself. I ain’t know what else to do. You can’t be mad it wasn’t my fault” I said quickly. My knees were gonna give out at any moment. 

I swear I started to feel lightheaded. 

“So you mean to tell me, that this damn boy done jumped you for no motherfucking reason. I mean just out clear blue sky huh? He just decided oh I guess I’ll pick a fight wit Free Jones today.  Huh? What the fuck you fighting these niggas for?  Huh Free? Motherfucking cops, calling me about shit you done did.  Word got round, you done put a nigga in the hospital! That light skinned pretty motherfucker!  What the hell were you fighting him for?  Was he yo lil boyfriend, got in a disagreement? What was it for huh Free?” my mom shouted.  

That’s when the lie popped in my head. Since she already thought it was some boy girl  drama type stuff, why not run with this for now? 

I swallowed hard. Please God, let her believe this one lie, so that I can live to see another day. 

My eyes got watery, I was scared as hell. I was finna cry. Fuck it, I’m crying. 

“He tried to, he tried to sleep with me” I sobbed. Because I was lying, and if my mama figured it out, she’d kill me, and I be dead.  I wanna live, I just wanna live. 

She looked at me suspiciously. 

“Is that the truth Free?” my mom asked. 

“Yes it is. He tried to sleep with me. He thought I’d be another  easy girl, and I said no, and he got angry, and started to call me names, and he pushed me. I pushed him back. We got to jacking” I said lying through my teeth. 

“I knew it that pretty Prince looking motherfucker!  His mom work at my damn job. She a secretary or some shit. That bitch walk in there everyday talking about all the good shit her son do! Her son a common no good niggas just like the rest these tired ass motherfuckers!   I get so sick of hearing her brag about all the petty irrelevant shit her damn son do.  It’s his mama fault. She married a white man you know that Free. Yo lil boyfriend is half white”  my mom said.  My heart rate slowed. 

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