S is for Swimming

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So, there's also a little bit of Jiper in this one. You see, well, just read it.

"You ready, Pipes?" Jasn yelled into the Aphrodite cabin. They were suposed to meet Percy and Annabeth at the beach, ten minutes ago.

"Coming!" Piper emerged from her cabin in a sky blue one tankini.

They walked to the beach, stopping at the edge. Percy and Annabeth were already there, splashing around in the water. Annabeth had a strapless sea green bikini, and Percy wore green swim trunks.

"Why are we waiting?" Jason whispered in Piper's ear. Piper pointed to the look on their faces, and he understood.

Since they had gotten out of Tartarus, the two rarely smiled. Now, smiles were plastered to their faces as they played in the water. Percy picked Annabeth up and threw her into the water, laughing. After a few seconds, she resurfaced and advanced on Percy.

"Come on!" Piper grabbed his hand and pulled Jason to the shore. They kicked off their shoes and ran into the water.

Percy smiled at them as Jason spoke.

"Who's ready to go swimming?!"

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