Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

     Throughout the day, Sheradin tried to keep her mind off of what will happen this afternoon. She knew that she might actually make the cut, but she knew that the question is who will be cast as the leading lady? She tried to keep her mind off the inevitable. But she knew that it wasn’t going to be easy. Especially when it came time for her Spanish class.

     When she took her seat, she’d expected to have another, ordinary lesson. That is until Senora Salazar began to pair up the students to practice their dialogues. For a moment, Sheradin thought that she’d be paired up with one of the few classmates that’ll make her do all the work. But when the teacher pointed at her desk, and Cameron’s, she felt as if she’d been set up for some cruel, practical joke.

     I must be dreaming. She thought to herself. She even pinched herself discreetly, only to give a small, quiet squeal—confirming that she isn’t dreaming.

     After taking a few deep breaths, Sheradin quietly pushed her desk toward Cameron’s. He met her halfway by scooting his desk toward her; he also remained quiet. It wasn’t until after Senora Salazar had placed their worksheet in the middle of the table where both Sheradin and Cameron’s hands brushed against each other’s.

     “Sorry.” She mumbled feebly, withdrawing her hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his lips twitching, forming a smile.

     “Don’t worry about it Sheradin.” Cameron said casually.

     At that moment, a shiver immediately went through Sheradin’s body. “You know my name?” she asked, completely taken aback as she turned her gaze toward him.

     He chuckled softly. “Of course I do. We’ve been in the same class since fifth grade. Why wouldn’t I remember your name?”

     “Because we haven’t pretty much said a word to each other since the fifth grade.” Sheradin replied, still taken aback with Cameron’s sudden knowledge of her existence. Part of her still couldn’t believe that someone like him would even remember her name, more or less talk to her.

     “You may have a point there.”

     “I guess we should get started.” Sheradin mumbled before grabbing her pencil from her backpack. She could already feel the embarrassed flush entering her face, and her actions were the perfect excuse to hide it.

     “Can I at least say one thing?” Cameron asked hastily in a whisper. With a sigh, Sheradin reluctantly met his gaze once again, and nodded. “You sang pretty good yesterday.”

     She gulped. “Thanks…you were…surprisingly good, too. Congrats on getting the callback.” She stuttered out, surprised at his compliment, deepening the color of her blush.

     “Thanks. You too.”

     At least Sheradin didn’t have to ask him to confirm that he knows what she knows.

     Throughout the entire class, Sheradin and Cameron talked, in Spanish and whispered English. Basically finishing their assignments, and nothing else. As much as Sheradin wished she could actually sit down and talk with Cameron outside of the confines of Senora Salazar’s classroom, but majority of her doubts that the possibility would ever happen. Even Mr. Watson cast them as the lead male and female parts the odds of Sheradin and Cameron to go on a date were a million to one.

     When they’d finished their assignment, and turned it in, all conversations seemed to have stopped. The theory was confirmed once Sheradin and Cameron moved their desks back to where they once were. Sheradin tried not to dwell on it as she began to doodle aimlessly on her notebook.

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