Chapter 34

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Alcor rubbed his hands together as he stared into the space where the Huntress and the boy had been earlier before they had vanished.

What a great improvement of their technology, Alcor thought. Yet not good enough.

He was currently in a vindictive mood. After 10 years of being Banished, who wouldn't be seeking vengeance on those who had sent him there?

Well, probably not the sane creatures. But who would ever be sane after being Banished? There, it destroys you. They show you your worst fears. They give you specially made punishments, making sure you suffer for eternity, until you fade into oblivion.

What's worse than death? Pain. Guilt. And being forgotten. Although they don't physically torture you, the fact that you would be faded into oblivion at the end was torture enough.

Now, Alcor had escaped, the first one to ever do so, and had returned back to the place where it started everything. He was a man of his word, and that meant that he would make sure they all suffer the pain he had suffered back in the Lands of Banishment.

Since there was nothing to do here anymore, Alcor turned to leave, but something caught his eye. It was something orange. He narrowed his eyes, and turned back, walking towards to the orange thing. Using his telekinesis, he lifted the orange thing from the ground, and examined it.

It seemed to be a ripped fabric of a jail uniform. The owner of this piece of cloth was someone he knew perfectly well. Yes, more than anyone.

Alcor smirked. He knew things would get pretty interesting from now on. They always do. Ah, finally, some fun! He had never felt this thrilled since the Papilion Battle. (Long story short, he had defeated an old man who called himself, Hawk Moth)

I hope the Huntress destroys you once she finds out who you really are, Alcor thought.

Or should I say, who you will be.



Dipper felt his eyes being blinded by the sudden flash of light of the portal. He cursed under his breath, scowling. Why was there always some flash of light when being transported? Why such dramatic exit, when you could make the place shift into another place instead of blinding one with the light. Grumbling in annoyance, he rubbed his eyes before opening them to take in the surroundings.

His jaw dropped at the futuristic technology they had. Dipper was standing in the centre of a gigantic room, with people in skin-tight hazmat suits running past him, and holograms appearing there and there. Some people were sitting in front of their computers, typing on the holographic keyboards with such fast speed that surprised the boy.

All of the technology they had . . . it was very ineffable.

Who knew the future would be so amazing? Well, except for the fact that there was a murderous demon lurking somewhere in the city; but overall, it was still pretty cool.

After few moments of absorbing the brilliance of future technology, Dipper turned his gaze at the woman beside him. The woman was fidgeting around with her watch, mumbling some words that he couldn't quite catch.

He narrowed his eyes. Who was this woman? Why did she bring him here? What was she going to do with him? But more importantly, could she be trusted?

"Who are you?" asked Dipper, and immediately regretted it.

It sounded pretty rude, but he knew it was for the best. He had to make sure this woman wasn't going to hurt him or whatsoever. Although this woman had saved him from the demon, he didn't trust her.

Not yet, not until she explains everything to him. He wanted to know about the shield, the Code Red, the Time Police, the danger, and ... the demon.

Thinking back at the event at the alley, Dipper remembered that the demon had addressed the woman as Huntress. Huntress . . . I wonder who she hunts, Dipper wondered.

"I'm Huntress," replied the woman, turning her eyes back at her watch.

"No, I mean your real identity."

The Huntress hesitated before answering, "That's confidential."

Silence fell between them as Dipper followed Huntress to a place with smaller space than the one they had been earlier. Dipper did not press on, although he was still very suspicious of all this, and still questioning himself whether this was the right choice or not.

Dipper sat on a sofa, making himself comfortable. The Huntress sat in the opposite of Dipper, her legs crossed.

They say like that for few minutes, neither of them speaking, until the woman did.

"Who are you?" questioned Huntress. "I know everyone in the city, yet I've never seen u before. You look familiar though."

Dipper swallowed. Should he tell her? She didn't seem to be much a threat ... No. Trust no one. She's not an exception. Twist the truth. She won't know.

"I'm Mason," replied Dipper. "Mason Carter." He paused before adding, "I came here to seek refuge when the shield was down."

He saw the Huntress narrowed her eyes, not believing him. For a moment there, Dipper thought he would be kicked out or kidnapped for lying. He was imagining all the terrible outcomes, until the woman put her hand on his shoulder.

His body tensed, but soon gave in to the warm touch. Dipper sighed in relief. The woman wasn't going to hurt him. If she wanted, she would do it right away at his vulnerable state right now.

"I believe you," she whispered.

Dipper smiled. He felt more comfortable now, despite his situation. Talking with her almost felt like talking with ---


Dipper froze, but he dismissed the thought quickly. How ridiculous ... Wendy, a Huntress?

He let out a chuckle weakly, before glancing back up to look at the woman. However, he noticed that the helmet was on the ground. Then that meant . . .

Dipper slowly raised his head. Long red hair, emerald green eyes, and that rebellious look she always had ...

Wendy was the Huntress.


And there you go! Wendy is the Huntress! Not Mabel or Pacifica, as most of you had guessed. Shoutout to @First-Sin-Of-Wrath for the first and only person that guessed the Huntress' identity right!

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Posted: 2016/9/2

Posted: 2016/9/2

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