Chapter 4- LET'S PARTYYY!!

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Kassie's POV


Squeezing through the sea of bodies at the party was hard enough. Only searching for a certain person just confused me even more. As I got deeper into the throng of sweaty bodies I soon lost track of where the frick I was, and soon saw a cowboy hat poking out above the bodies.

One thought came to mind, Caleb. That sexy ass boy-no, boy doesn't quite describe him. That sexy ass man was in his Stetson hat and I came prepared.

He looked around searching for someone, no doubt the girl he likes. Wonder who she is. He soon found my eyes, and lit up with a huge smile. "Hey darling, can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure!" Of course it's a high-school party and you have to shout to be heard over the loud ass music. He nodded, acknowledging my answer, and walked away. "Can I get you a drink?" A drunk, familiar voice whispered into my ear. "No, thanks. I'm fine." I turned around to fine Zane Jarred, the schools man whore, watching me with glossy eyes. "Please don't tell me that you plan on going home with the white trash cowboy." He moves in closer and looks as though he's about to kiss me. Being up against the wall, in a corner, doesn't help much when trying to avoid a kiss. Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. I felt butterflies appear in my stomach as the deep rumble of Caleb jolted me back to life. "That white trash cowboy has as much a chance as going home with her as the pope being catholic."

"Aren't you confident?" I love teasing him because he gets that glint in his eyes, which showed amusement. "Excuse me, but we were having a conversa-"

"Which is now over. Now leave before I make you." Zane let out a hearty, satanic laugh, acting as though he would be escorted out of a party before pigs fly. This is the part where someone would say, "Dude you should listen to him." Maybe I should say that. Nah, I think I'll just ogle at Caleb some more, considering the view is just amazing (draw out the -zing part) from up here. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Someone who might just have to kick your ass." Before I know what's happening I'm being shoved out the way by Zane, who holds back his fist, anticipating a punch or two. Although all I see that happens is Zane on the ground and Caleb laughing his ass off.

His laugh, let me just say, is amazing. So rich and hearty. Ugh. So cute. "Oh gosh. Hate when they challenge me like that." He looks up at me and sees my horrified expression and runs over to me. "I'm so sorry Kass. I didn't mean to scare you! I'm so sorry, he charged at me. I didn't know what else to do. Please forgive me." Oh, he's so cute. So concerned for me. Not thinking I envelope him in a hug, and right away he hugs me back. Chills race down my spine as he whispers in my ear. "Let's dance."



Caleb's POV


She hugged me and it took all my willpower not to kiss her right there. I took her onto the dance floor, forgetting about the body slumped on the ground. I don't know who that was, but I'm sure as hell glad I beat him up.

I don't know what he was doing, but Kassie looked scared, and I was going to protect her. She needed protecting and I was her man. When a man like that approaches a woman like her expecting a roll in the hay, especially when said girl doesn't want to get a taste of the hay, then you must step in.

We started moving along with the music, and our bodies began to move in sync. She truly was beautiful, and it was clear she didn't know it, or didn't want to know it. She looked up at me through her lashes, and smiled. I needed to breathe I had an urge to kiss her, and I barely knew her. I needed to know her. "LET'S GET A DRINK!" this loud ass music is giving me a head ache, and I need air before I think about kissing Kassie, again.


Kassie's POV


Two hours, and three red solo cups, filled with alcohol, later I was flying on air. Of course I could walk straight, and could say almost everything perfectly.

Right now, Caleb and I are shimmied in a corner, in some part of the house. Talking of course, learning about each other, and I'm going to admit it. I'm starting to like him. I know right? Miss stand-offish, likes a guy. I've tried so hard to just keep my walls up, but Caleb is so hard to resist. He has that personality where you can just tell him anything. Off course I haven't told him everything, that would ruin any chance I have, or had, with him. He wouldn't like me if he knew. No one would.

Caleb tells me how he has a sister, a brother. His brother is 22, and his sister is 21. His mom is 44, and his dad is 45. He's only talked about his mom for about a minute, and you can tell he is a momma's boy. I find that endearing, how he's so in love with his mom. He would do anything for her.

As I was looking up at Caleb with a enchanted look on my face, I could feel myself leaning towards him. He looked into my eyes, and then his beautiful, enchanting eyes zeroed in on my lips. I found myself saying, "Kiss me." Without even leaving his gaze where it's at he uttered the two words that brings a girl to her knees. "Yes ma'am." He brought his lips down to me, and he started the kiss out gentle and sweet. Soon it turned to hunger and need. I found my hands going up to his hair, that hair I wanted to entangle my fingers in for so long, entwining them in his gold locks. He did the same to me, bringing me closer to his body, and cupped his hands around my face.

I always imagined that my first kiss would be a dream come true, and that it would be equally as thrilling for the guy, but I guess not because seconds later I found air hitting my lips, and not Caleb's lips. I open my eyes to find Caleb's glistening eyes looking at me. "That was a mistake." I was dazed to find him walking away from me. Wait, what?


Authors Note

I just want y'all to know that any people who may have the same names or any of the sorts is purely coincidence. This story, although I wish , is not based on my life, or anyone else's for that matter. Once again, purely just coincidence.

I hope y'all like the story so far. I'm enjoying it so much. I'm sorry I've taken so long to update. I'm hoping for a laptop for Christmas this year, so if that wish comes true then I'll be writing a whole lot more!

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