Thirty Five.

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Annabelle might not have been able to retract the already shot bullet, but at that moment, she knew that she would thank God everyday for the rest of her days that Jessi was fast enough to dodge it. She didn't know how he did it; it was a bullet for God's sake! But he did, and the heated metal whizzed by his face, embedding into the wall behind him. The loud bang of the gun had both Dan and Mina shooting up, dazed and drugged.

Jessi was the same. He staggered backwards, eyes wide as they traveled from a surprised Anna to the bullet he barely managed to miss. He sagged against the wall, the piece of wood slipping out of his fingers.

The only person not entirely frozen in shock by the shot was Jackie. With a gun wielding assassin on one side, and a beyond shocked pretty boy on the other, it wasn't hard figuring out why she decided to grab Jessi and haul him towards her.

Anna cocked the gun higher, even though Jackie's face was half hidden behind Jessi's. Jessi froze when the chill of the blade tickled his throat.

"You're not an idiot," Jackie said, smiling behind her shield. "I think it's best you put that gun down now."

"Why would I do that?" Anna cocked a brow at her, ignoring Jessi's terrified stare. "He is of no use to me anymore."

"So what are you going to do then, Anna? Shoot him to get to me? Put the life of a bystander on the line just to fulfill the mission?"

"That's the difference between you and me, Jackie. Unlike you, I only think about one thing when I'm given a mission and that is fulfilling it. Whatever hurdles I have to jump, whatever bodies have to fall, I don't care. As long as I fulfilled the mission, everything's just fine." She frowned slightly, inquiringly. "Why would I care about just one boy?"

Jackie blinked rapidly. She frowned, her eyes darting to and from Jessi, trying to gauge the truth in Anna's words. While Anna remained unflinching in the face of Jessi's probable death, Jessi was a sack of nerves. He didn't speak, only stared at Anna as if he couldn't believe her words. Even his shaking hand had grown still.

Out of the corner of her eye, Anna saw Dan and Mina get to their feet. She didn't look at them, only cocked the gun casually in their direction. "Them too," she said. "You can have them if you want. I don't care. As long as you leave me with the items, we can put this all behind us."

"The chief told me to kill you. He told me you've been compromised. You expect me to believe what you're saying now?"

Anna shrugged. "You don't have to. I have five bullets left. More than enough to take out everyone in this apartment. If you want, I could test that theory."

Jackie's eyes narrowed. "You would kill everyone here?"


Jackie shoved Jessi forward. She kept the knife in the centre of his back, dangling him between the two of them. "Prove it."

Anna didn't flinch. "What was that?"

"Prove it. Shoot him dead, right here, right now. Let me see how far you'll go for your mission."

Rolling her eyes to the ceiling, Anna never gave Jessi a single glance. "Is this really all you've got?"

"Stop stalling and shoot him!"

"Okay, if it'll make you feel better."

Slowly, Anna positioned her gun at Jessi's heart. Only then did she meet his gaze. His eyes were smoldering, boring into her. They screamed questions, but Anna had no intention of answering any of them.

"Anna, don't do this!" Mina screamed.

Anna looked over at her, almost boredly. "Why wouldn't I? I already got what I wanted, didn't I?"

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