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The desk was larger than she first thought. At first glance, she thought it was simply a rather tall, rather large desk, but now, sitting behind it, Anna saw that it was way more than that. The surface of the desk right before her was littered with papers, none of which concerned her overly much. She didn't care about what inventory the nurse needed to sign for or about the report on student health so far. She pushed those papers aside and set about searching for what she really needed.

Allowing more space for her get down to business, her sharp eyes quickly scanned the rest of the massive desk. No first aid equipment in sight. The only things that occupied the desk were folders stacked on top of each other, papers thrown about haphazardly, pens, pencils and a stapler.

Anna switched course, reaching up into the top half of the desk. Here it seemed there were actual compartments and Anna mentally berated herself on not checking up here first. As if the nurse would have medicine just laying around on her desk. In a school filled with bored, rich kids no less. There was bounded to be some pill popping student heading down the wrong path and desperate to keep going that guaranteed having these things under lock and key.

And under lock and key it was. The slide-apart compartment door remained fixed in place when she tried pushing it aside. The keyhole she had ignored earlier suddenly seemed to become stark against the light coloured wood. Did the nurse really leave treating her up to her when she had locked away the material she needed? Without leaving a key? Did the Headmistress even realize what an idiot she hired to be the school nurse?

"Dumbass," she murmured, rolling her eyes. Getting into the compartment was no hard job. She would be in no time. It was the very thought of having to go through the trouble that had her cursing the green scrub wearing dumb shell of a woman. Or maybe she was being too harsh. Maybe the woman had left the key and she hadn't seen it when she had searched through the desk drawers. It was highly unlikely but still possible. After all, Anna was well aware that she wasn't perfect. She could make mistakes.

So she dug around in the desk drawers again, even got up and looked around the room to see if the nurse had hung it up somewhere. But it was to no avail. No key showed up and by that time, Anna was feeling too pissed off to curb the curses and profanities that ran through her head, directing every drop of word at the nurse. She plopped back down in the leather chair, closing her eyes and breathing a deep breath of fresh, cold air before she pulled a bobby pin from her hair. With a sigh, she straightened the pin out and set about picking the lock. It took less than a minute before she was in, sliding the compartment door aside and revealing the holy grail of nurse's office medical items.

Anna didn't waste any time getting what she needed. Not that she was in much of a rush to get anywhere. Now that Mina had abandoned her to walk to class with her crush, she was left to her own devices, to do as she pleased. And doing what she pleased is exactly what she intended to do. Yes, she'll make sure not to break any rules while she was at it, but, after patching herself up, Anna intended on taking a tour of her own around the school, one not hindered by the oddly keen eyes of her new roommate. That sad excuse of a tour Mina had assembled did nothing for her mission. Times to take matters into her own hands.

She pulled out the rubbing alcohol and a bag of cotton balls. Stripping on a pair of latex gloves from the box she found in the corner of the compartment, she took up a cotton ball and partially soaked it in alcohol.

She heard when the door opened and closed, just a few bated breaths of seconds after. She heard the soft tap of shoes on the floor as whoever it was made their way up the desk. She heard the person clear his throat softly. But she didn't look up until whoever it was decided to stand right before the desk and let his shadow fall over her. Even then, when she looked up, it was only for a quick second before she resumed what she was doing.

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