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THE bells rang, signaling the final bell, concluded by announcements. I got through my first day back from christmas break, which was quite astonishing, based on the fact that I wasn't silent all day.

As I walked down the halls, I could feel all types of stares burning into my back. Harsh ones, pitiful ones – even some kind ones.

I stopped at my locker, twisting the lock and opening my locker, caramel eyes scanning over my belongings. I picked up my backpack, holding it with one hand, and putting my school supplies in with the other.

"Um..excuse me?" A small voice peeped out, my body turning towards her.

"I heard that you know, that," She started, biting her lip. "and I wanted to give you this. My mom had breast cancer, and she gave me these and it made me really, I thought, maybe you needed them, also, since I'm all recovered and okay." A small blush covered her cheeks, smiling softly. Her eyes never met mine.

My lips parted, nodding. "Thank you very much."

She smiled, finally looking me up in the eye before waving and walking down the hallway. My eyes averted from her backside before looking down at the multiple things she put in my hand.

A journal was the first thing I saw, which I was grateful for. I love journals.

Then I saw Operation: The Game. Haha, how ironic. At this, I smiled just a tad bit.

I looked through some of the other goodies, before hearing a voice that's been following me all day.


My eyes widened as my body turned stiff at the familiar british accented voice.

Harry's been calling my name all day, and creating fake conversations whenever I didn't respond to him. He even tried telling me jokes, and when he couldn't see my face, I only smiled slightly because of how lame his jokes were. No matter how silent or dismissive I was to him, he didn't stop saying my name every time I was in his line of vision.

Usually, I'd think it was annoying, and although I did feel a hint of irritableness, I pushed it aside. 

"Hey, c'mon! It's not very nice to run away from a guy who wants to talk to you." Harry grinned, laughing, easily catching up, no matter how big my strides are.

I sighed, walking slower than usual, side by side to him. "Yes?" I asked softly, clutching some of the extra books I was taking home to my chest.

"Hmm?" Harry rose an eyebrow, before realizing what my last comment linked to. "Ah, you finally spoke! Well, it's nothing. I just wanted to get your attention."

I pressed my lips together in confusion. "Not because of...?" That's the only reason I tensed up and walked faster. Everyone I meet or have met, talks about my cancer about once, and although the concern is appreciated, the same phrases are heard everyday. What is it like to have cancer? Are you alright?

"Huh? I told you, I'm not so low to use something that's vulnerable to you just for attention, nonetheless conversation." Harry spoke, his bag slung around his shoulder.

"Vulnerable.." I tested out the word.

"Everyone's got something their vulnerable to," Harry walked as he talked, now rubbing the back of his neck. "You've got the choice to overcome it, though."

A few minutes of silence passed by before Harry opened the door, holding it open for me. When I walked through, he gave me a soft pat on the top of my head, my eyes widening.

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