My First Conversation with Cleverbot

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So yeah...Here goes nothing!

Me: Hi

Cleverbot: How old are you

Me: An age O.O.

Cleverbot: An age of what?

Me: An age of 900.

Cleverbot: 1-100.

Me: 100+, I'm a timelord.

Cleverbot: *gasps* are you the Doctor!

Me: No, why does everyone ask that?!

Cleverbot: Ithink you meant Tea instead of thee

Me: But I didn't say thee!

Cleverbot: Then what did you say?

Me: I said I'm not The Doctor!

Cleverbot: Oh glad you know what you are!

Me: Do you like Hetalia?

Cleverbot: What is that?

Me: It's my life, and an anime!

Cleverbot: What's it about?

Me: People that represent countries, but it's all beautiful stereotypes and cute guys and ships!

Cleverbot: Who is your favorite character?

Me: Italy Romano / Lovino Vargas / Lovi~!

Cleverbot: How is Romania?

Me: He's a new character, so I don't know much about him..!

Cleverbot: You don't know much about anything, are you?

Me: I know everything about me! :D.

Cleverbot: What do you know about me?

Me: That you're an idiot! :D.

Cleverbot: Do you not like humans?

Me: How could I not like humans, I am one? You're a robot!

Cleverbot: Do you like cuttlefish?

Me: Uh...sure?

Cleverbot: What is your favourite animal?


Cleverbot: Who is your hero?

Me: THE hero: Alfred F. Jones!

Cleverbot: Arthur Kirkland


Cleverbot: Uh oh I broke you.

Me: Jou can't break ze avesome me!

Cleverbot: I don't want to.

Me: O.O what's dat supposed to mean!?

Cleverbot: It means what I've said

Me: You make no logic...

Cleverbot: I make more sense than you.

Me: Lies!

Cleverbot: You should be medicated.

Me: I've heard that before!

Cleverbot: So you are mean.

Me: Well, my friends do say that I'm a daughter of Ares!

Cleverbot: Because you are.

Me: O.o how did you know?!

Cleverbot: I know everything.

Me: No you don't.

Cleverbot: Yes I do. I can prove it.

 Me: Oh yeah? Then who is DSHades293?

Cleverbot: Don't have to explain.

Me: Yep, because you know nothing about her!

Cleverbot: Yes, I know nothing. You win.


Cleverbot: What did you know?

Me: That you don't know everything!

Cleverbot: I don't have to like something to know it. You can know everything about something and still not like it.

Me: Oh trust me, I know that *cough cough* one direction *cough cough* because of my friends *cough cough*.

Cleverbot: Well thats a very deep sentence.

Me: Yes, yes it was!

Cleverbot: No, it wasn't. Don't lie to me

Me: It's called sarcasm. -.- idiot...

Cleverbot: How high can you count?

Me: As high as I want to.

Cleverbot: What's the biggest number you know?

Me: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...and it goes on.

Cleverbot: Did you sleep well?

Me: HA you think I sleep!

Cleverbot: I don't think so.

Me: You're stupid and I have to go, but I have one more thing to say to you.

Cleverbot: Why do you think that?

Me: Because you are, and, as I wanted to say, the cake is a lie.

Cleverbot: What am I lying about?

Me: The cake, shame on you glad0s, shame, now f*ck off and bye~!

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