Deamus - Freckles

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His eyes seemed to be tracing Seamus' freckles. It was something that Dean did often and it killed Seamus because bloody hell was Dean hot when he did it. He didn't do it lazily and instead he just looked like he was holding himself back. Seamus could tell Dean that he was awake and had been for a while but he didn't quite feel like stopping him now. It was entrancing and Seamus couldn't look away from his best friend. He'd known that he wanted him for a while now, but he also had known that Dean was straight for a while now.

He hadn't told Dean that he was gay. If he told Dean, he would feel like his world was ending. Because he didn't sneak off to go kiss girls in closets he went with guys. And they didn't only kiss some of the time. And he couldn't tell his best friend that. Especially not his best friend that he was pretty sure he was in love with. And so Seamus settled on this moment as their legs were wrapped together in Seamus' bed because Seamus wasn't ready for Dean to leave him at this moment.

Neither of them could sleep alone anymore. And whenever Dean was actually in the room Seamus would latch himself to the much taller boy, despite the fact that the beds were not made for two. If the other boys in the dormitory cared in the mornings, they never said a thing but Seamus and Neville would share a look because Neville knew and Seamus never asked how. He just knew that he'd been confronted by Neville one day and ever since he made sure to let Neville know that he still knew he knew. And Neville would remind him that he knew. It just always happened at the same time.

But right now, the sun was already in the sky, though not much, and the other boys were gone from the dorm. Seamus' breath caught in his throat as Dean bit his lip as though restraining himself from something and Seamus had to remind himself to breathe. But this little falter in his breathing seemed to alert Dean who looked at him and smiled and Seamus felt like he might melt. But Seamus couldn't look away from Dean's lips as Dean tried to untangle their legs but Seamus wasn't helping.

The next time Dean looked at him he noticed something was up because Seamus was lusting hard right now and he couldn't help staring at Dean's lips that just looked so much more kissable than the other boy's he'd kissed. "Mate? Seamus." The way he said his name brought Seamus breathless again and Dean sat up, having successfully set his legs free but Seamus closed his eyes and laid down trying to avoid questions as he tried once again to breathe normally. "Seamus....." silence. Gut wrenching silence.

Seamus couldn't take it anymore he sat up and opened his eyes, staring at Dean for a moment before speaking. "CanIkissyou" It was a jumble of words and Seamus couldn't believe he'd just said that. That hadn't been his plan. He wasn't even sure if he had a plan. But then Dean kissed him and it was less tongue than he was used to but it was so much more passionate there was so much more behind this kiss and Seamus felt himself straddling Dean's legs and wrapping his arms around his neck as Dean's hands ran through Seamus' hair. They fell breathless to the bed and it was different because this time Seamus wouldn't be running away in a ruffled mess to meet up with Dean he was with Dean. He'd kissed Dean.

He shivered when Dean's lips first met his neck but they quickly pulled away before kissing slightly off of that spot. It wasn't until Dean reached Seamus' arm that he realized what he was doing. He wasn't just tracing Seamus' freckles with his eyes anymore he was tracing them with his lips and his eyes were closed because they'd memorized his arm's freckles. Or so it seemed like it because it took everything in Seamus not to stop him to kiss him and as Dean started kissing the freckles on his face he closed his eyes and stayed still. Not sure what was happening until suddenly Dean was on top of him and kissing him again but on his lips and Seamus could actually kiss back.

"Hey Seamus, Dean. You missed----" They sprung apart as Neville stared at them, slightly in shock. Turning around and closing the door. Presumably walking back down the stairs. Dean smiled sheepishly at Seamus and so he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to Dean's lips. One where they didn't let their mouths mold they just kissed and Seamus pulled away and laid down to process this. They'd kissed. He'd kissed Dean. Dean had kissed him. And Dean didn't seem to regret it. Seamus didn't regret it either.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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