Parvander/Larvati - Cold Hands

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Parvati and Lavender didn't happen quickly. It was a slow process that seemed to never come to an end. Once they'd finally realized they had a mutual attraction to each other, take it slow was their immediate reaction. They'd always heard about this big moment when you kissed someone and your insides would be on fire and you would know that they were the one. But their kisses were stolen kisses that never lasted long enough for any feelings at all and half the time it hardly felt like the kisses happened.

It was such a strange concept to Lavender who'd been chasing after boys since day one and felt slightly bad for doing this behind Ron's back but Parvati didn't want her to stop because technically, it was Parvati she was cheating on. Lavender didn't argue because Parvati was everything. Parvati was beauty and grace and when she loved she loved with her whole and Lavender loved that. There was no doubt in Lavender's mind that she loved Parvati because well, it was a known fact in her mind.

Parvati loved Lavender and she knew that too. But she didn't care what people thought and if Lav had let her, she would have screamed it from the Astronomy tower to anyone who would listen because this girl who'd started out as just her best friend meant the world to her and Parvati didn't need a magic kiss to know that. Going back to Hogwarts for their seventh year, Parvati felt safer than she should have because she would have Lavender by her side and that's all she needed.

But as the battle was about to begin they shared their first and last real kiss. Because they were about to go to their positions and suddenly, Lavender didn't care who saw, who knew as she surged towards Parvati and let their lips lock together. Their was a hoot from Seamus who was trying to lighten the mood and when they pulled apart they saw a few people smiling, though the eyes were ones full of sadness.

Parvati didn't realize that as she got pulled away from Lav in the crowd that they weren't ever going to be able to kiss again. Ever talk again. Ever be again. Existing wasn't something they could do as Parvati stepped into the Great Hall which didn't seem so great as it was filled with dead bodies of their friends. And she found Lavender quickly but it wasn't where she wanted her to be. She wanted Lavender to be standing somewhere ready to hug her not laying on the cold floor with empty eyes and she thinks she screamed and collapsed but she's not sure because all she knows is Lavender is dead and somebody is holding her.

It takes her ages to form coherent thought and when she finally does she realizes the arms around her are her sisters and she loses herself again, if only for a moment. When she's regained herself a second time, she just feels cheated life. Empty and alone. Because Lavender was there and as she neared the body not sure how she'd come to do so, she wanted to scream again.

This couldn't be Lavender because her eyes were dead and cold and as she reached for her hand it was frozen as though there was no life left in her because there wasn't and Parvati couldn't believe it because Lavender couldn't be dead. But suddenly it was all sow real. Lavender was dead and Parvati was alone and crying and even though Padma was there to hold her it was empty and cold and not the same. It would never be the same.

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