Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

                After I learned of what happened with Justin, I hunted through the halls more and stayed out later than before. I was determined to find the ones that caused this. Big yellow eyes. Just like how Myrtle died. She has got to be connected somehow.

                I was back in Myrtle’s bathroom. I looked through every inch of this place, the floors the stalls the windows, anything that could become a passageway to the Chamber of Secrets. Whatever happened was like fifty years ago according to Dumbledore, and just about everyone who knows about this. Then it has to be someone who was a live fifty years ago.

                “Myrtle!” I called. She floated out of her toilet.


                “I just need to ask. When you were still a student, did you happen to know someone named Tom Riddle?”

                “Oh yes.” She said “He was terrible. Handsome but cruel in every possible way. He use to come to school with me you know? He was in his fifth year.”

                She was the victim. Myrtle was the Muggleborn that died in the school fifty years ago. How had I missed that?

                “Myrtle. I just want to ask you. What was the last thing. What was the last thing you saw? Where in this bathroom? The last you can remember.”

                “I just remember a pair of big yellow eyes.” she said her old solemn and serious expression back. “Right there in that sink.”

                Then she went back to her toilet before I could say anything more. I examined the sink. It wasn’t working. No water. Nothing unusual in the basin…maybe the faucet.

                I felt through the sides of the faucet and found a carving…one of a snake. This is it! the entrance to the chamber.

                “Snake. Snake…Parseltongue?”  Parceltongue.

                “OPEN!” the stone sink started to move. This is it. The entrance to the chamber. It opened up to make a tunnel. I looked down and swallowed. I really don’t like heights. And falling down a tunnel…reminds me of some trips I made to the entrance of Tartarus. It was so scary. I don’t think I want to go there anytime soon…or ever actually.

                I just took a deep breath. It’ll be over soon. I thought then jumped in.

                I slid down the disgusting tubes of water and whatever was down here. I got to the bottom to a pile of animal bones. What animal could eat this much? This is disgusting.

                I trudge ahead. Now regretting not looking for a teacher before entering the Chamber. For moments I choose to be stupid. I chose now. I groaned well there’s no turning back now. I walked further into the chamber. Finding a few disturbing things…mainly a really large snake skin.

                I turned to look at the large circular door. There were…again snake designs on it. I know Slytherin’s symbol is a snake and all but why does it have to be in everything?

                “OPEN!” I hissed at the door.

                To say that the chamber of secrets is creepy is an understatement. There were snakes everywhere. Two large rows of snakes and an aisle in the middle. And in the end of the row was a large head. It was an old looking man with a large beard and mustache. The mouth was gapping opening another tunnel. Which I don’t want to know what lived there.

                “Ah. How wonderful for you to come, Nico Di Angelo”


                Ginny felt alone again. She didn’t have that many friends. She loved Hogwarts. But she was always compared to her brothers. She is her own person. Not any of her brothers. I mean she is a girl for one. Then she is also Ginny. Not Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and especially not Ronald. She loves her brothers sure. But she would want to actually have something of her own. Also a name of her own. She doesn’t like having to wear second hand robes. Sometimes she doesn’t like being in this family. She loves them put it feels like their hitting rock bottom.

                She signed and looked out on the Astronomy tower. She liked this place. She was alone. Thought the sight is beautiful. She yearned for someone to talk to. But Riddle was starting to scare her. He wasn’t just scaring her. He was te…

                A black blade was pressed against her throat. She froze and let out a small whimper.

                “Just follow my instructions and you won’t get hurt.” She heard. When the blade inched away from her throat she saw her captor.

                The deadly pale skin and tossed black hair was a dead giveaway. Though she noted one thing. Nico Di Angelo had Reptile eyes. The green hue added to the white of his eyes and his usually black eyes turned bronze with slits for pupils.


                “Get the Diary.” He said “We have work to do. It wasn’t long till she felt Tom trying to control her again.


                She whimpered as she wrote the last of the final message. “Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.”

                She was scared. She didn’t want to die. She hated that she had let it go this far. But Tom. Why had he betrayed her? She thought he was her friend. He was so kind. So caring. Why?

                She looked at the Slytherin student beside her. She had seen him around the school. He was very withdrawn. More than the rest of his house. But he had looked strong. It didn’t seem to bother him. It seemed like nothing could bother him.

                He actually reminded him of characters she would find in some of her dad’s muggle story books. Those of Heroes that defended people. Those that would be out casted but would save people. She heard of what he has done for Nick. He actually had that look in his eyes. Like he knew that death could come for him any time. And it didn’t seem to faze him.

                And now. Now she saw nothing more than a soldier. One forced under a master. Riddle had forced him into this. This wasn’t that hero that she had seen in him. The one that she had admired in the rather scary Slytherin. She admired his courage. And wished she was the same. Now it was gone.

                “Good” he hissed cruelly. “Let’s go. Tom will be waiting for us.”

                “Please” she pleaded. “Don’t do this.”

                He just kept quiet and started to lead her towards the second floor bathroom.

                “This isn’t you” she said desperate. “You aren’t a monster like Riddle. Snap out of it!”

                He hissed at the sink and it started to open up again.

                “Jump” he ordered.

                “Please don’t do this” she begged. Tears were staring to roll down her cheeks. “Don’t let Riddle win. Whatever he is offering you. Whatever he promises is nothing more than a lie. Please you’re better than this.”

                “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way” he said ignoring her and pulling out his sword. “Which would it be?”

                Ginny just gave him one last pleading look. And prayed for someone to save them both.

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