Chapter 1 The Beginning

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I woke up the next morning, ready for another day of school. I hadn't noticed the pain in my back until I stretched. I must have slept the wrong way I thought to myself. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a loose grey t-shirt, showered brushed and French braided my long red hair, put on deodorant, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and walked to school. It takes about 10 minutes to get to school. I pulled out my phone and earbuds and cranked my music since I didn't have a friend to walk with. I don't really have any friends so everyone ignores me. But I just wish I had one friend to talk to. Half an hour later, my bus pulled up at my school and I hopped out. I walked to my locker, put in the combination and got my stuff. I walked to gym and into the changing room. I changed into my purple tank top and black shorts. I put on my white basketball  sneakers and tied the blue laces. I walked out the changing room and sat on the bleachers. A few minutes later the rest of the class was dressed and sat on the bleachers. "Okay class, today we're going to be-" my teacher was cut off by a girl who looked about my age in black shorts, a blue tank top and black basketball sneakers with her brown hair up in a high ponytail walked in. "Sorry I'm late" she said shyly. "It's fine. Just come take a seat" my teacher said she nodded and came and sat by herself on the bottom bench. "Okay so as I was saying, today we're going to be playing basketball" Mrs Smith explained. I love basketball and I'm actually pretty good, but no one ever passes me the ball so I won't bother joining my schools team. Suddenly I had an idea, if I was on the new girls team, maybe she would pass me the ball! "Can it be boys v.s girls?" I blurted "sure I guess" Mrs Smith replied. We all set up on the floor and we did the throw in and we began. I ran down the court, my team had the ball I wanted to get the first shot but I knew that wouldn't happen so I just stood open, wide open waiting for someone to pass me the ball. Suddenly the new girl threw me the ball! I sprinted down the court, ignoring my sore back, dodging the boys. When I reached the net, I lined up the shot and threw the ball. It went in! Everyone stood there, staring at me in shock, even Mrs Smith. "Nice shot" the new girl said to me "thanks" I replied. We continued playing until it was time to get changed. I had scored two other baskets. I walked into the changing room and got dressed. I was about  to leave when the teacher stopped me. "I didn't know you played" Mrs Smith said "I don't, but I love it" "how would you like to join the girls basketball team?" The teacher asked "I would love to" I replied. "Good be at practice after school" Mrs Smith replied "will do" I said. I walked out of the gym and headed to English. I walked into the classroom and sat at the back of the room, the desk next to me empty because no one wants to sit next to me. The rest of the students walked in and the new girl sat next to me! "Hi I'm Taylor" she said shyly "I'm Lily" I replied "I hope you know that since you're sitting with me no ones gonna wanna be friends with you" I said "why not?" She asked "because no one likes me and no one hangs out with me. I have no friends and I'm a loser" I explained "well you have a friend now" Taylor said smiling "really?" I said excitedly "yup you are now forever stuck with me" she said. I laughed and hugged her tightly. The rest of the day went by fast, I sit with Taylor in every class and we have each other's numbers. My back wasn't sore anymore but it was really itchy and red. I scratched it trying to get rid of the itchiness before I decided to give up and walked out of the changing room, ready for basketball practice. When the rest of the girls walked out and sat on the bleachers. The captain of the team, Addison walked up to me "what are you doing here, freak?" She asked coldly "I'm joining the team" I replied "why would the coach want a loser like you?" She asked "because I can play basketball, just as good as you" I said smirking "you're nothing like me" she said "you're right I'm not a spoiled brat like you" I said before getting up and walking away, all eyes on me. A minute later the coach walked in with Taylor. "Girls we have two new members of the team. Lily and Taylor, I want you to treat them just like any other girl" Mrs Smith said. The rest of the team nodded. "Good. We're going to start with 10 laps then take a quick break" she explained. We began running at a fast jog, working our way up. I was near the front and I looked next to me to see Taylor right next to me. "I hate jogging" I said "me too I can go way faster than this" she replied "wanna just go to the front and run?" I asked "gladly" she replied. We looked at each other and took off, dodging girls. I looked next to me to see Addison glaring at me, trying to go faster but she couldn't. Me and Taylor laughed and ran faster, now ahead of everyone, we ran 10 easy laps around the gym before stopping, not sweating or even panting. Mrs Smith looked at us in shock and impressed. "Can we run a few more laps?" Taylor asked "um, uh sure" Mrs Smith said flustered "thanks!" We replied before taking off and doing 5 more laps. We sat down, still not tired. The rest of the girls finished and sat down. All of the girls were sweating and panting. "How are you guys not tired? You ran 15 laps" the girls asked "we're just really fit I guess" I replied. We took a break and did a few more drills, a scrimmage and then got changed. Me and Taylor were now sweating a little bit nut still not very tired. I got changed and walked home. I walked into my room, closing the door behind me and looked at my back in the mirror. I gasped it was really, really red! And it burned. I felt it but it felt a normal temperature. "What's happening to me?" I whispered I decided to go lay down so I laid in bed on my side before falling asleep. "Lily?" I heard in my sleep. "Lily?" I opened my eyes to see my mom standing next to my bed "yeah?" I said sleepily "suppers ready" she replied. I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen. I quickly ate my taco and headed back to my room. I closed the door and checked my back. It wasn't as red but it hurt. A lot. I got changed and climbed back into bed. I unlocked my phone to see that Taylor had texted me. I quickly replied. Taylor- hey what's up? Me- nothing much, just really tired wbu? Taylor- ntm. Me- wanna hang out tomorrow after school tomorrow and I can show you around town? Taylor- sure that would be fun. Me- see you tomorrow. Taylor- BYEEEEEEEEEEE. I turned off my phone and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept tossing and turning but nothing worked. Finally I somehow managed to fall into a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys I know what you're thinking. "Another book?" *rolls eyes* but I promise this is the last one. Jk! I have a few more books I'm working on and when I get all of these books finished I'm going to write a biography about myself so... Yeah... ~🦄🍂

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