Lil Road trip

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*Next Morning*

Andria P.O.V : We was leaving early in the morning, so we could get to Atlanta at a decent time. I was very tired and very much in pain...Dustin was already up and ready getting the car together and gas up. An Mayyah texted me and told me she was already on her way. So I slowly got up from out the bed and started making my way to the bathroom, as I got in there I did all my hygiene stuff, then grabbed my make-up box and started to put on my make-up.

I had to make sure that no scars or bruises where showing cause I couldn't let nobody see what was wrong with me and plus I didn't want nobody jumping on Dustin either. I pounded as much make-up as I could to make the bruises and scars invisible, then after that I looked at my body and saw how many bruises and the new welps from the belt I had on me

Andria: fuck man.....But wait I know something I can wear

I Walked back to my room and looked for my long sleeve button up jean shirt , As I was looking I finally found it ,deep in my third drawer, then I had to think what would go with these...then I finally got it and decided to put on my black leggings , As I finish putting those on, I saw my long black heel boots

Andria; perfect

I then went back into the bathroom and fixed my hair, this time I decided to let it all hang down since their was a bruise on my neck. Then i threw on my jewelry and made my way to the kitchen , as I got in there I already saw that Dustin made him something to eat , so I didn't have to worry about fixing him nothing just myself,

Andria; let see let me get these 2 teas and this cereal bar

I really wasn't much of a breakfast person so I always ate less in the morning time anyway,

So after that I gathered my stuff up and went to the car

Dustin: You got yo shit

Andria: Yea here

He then started to put the rest of the stuff in the car

Dustin: Um anyway , I hope you covered up every scar, cause if you didn't

Andria: I did Dustin no need to worry

Dustin: Oh I wasn't worrying about myself I was worrying about you, cause if you didn't, some shid might of happen

Andria: Well I did so chill

He snatched me aggressively up by my hand

Dustin: You told me to chill...YOU TOLD ME TO CHILL

He reached out his hand going in for a slap ,but soon as he tried , we saw mayyah pulling up, so he let go

Dustin: Better be glad your assistant saved your ass


Dustin: I am about to go back in the house and get me a drink and lock in the car ready to go when I come back, do you understand

Andria: Yes Sir

Dustin: Good

As he was walking away mayyah started getting out of the car struggling with her bag

Andria: Hahaha  girl you need help

Mayyah: Oh no I'm just trying to get out this car with these bags for nothing

Andria: Oh ok

Mayyah: The Fuck girl ...yeah I need help

I helped get a few bags

Andria: Well you shouldn't be sarcastic then.. smart ass

Mayyah: what de fuck ever, anyway where did bitch ass nigga go

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