Got Yah!

433 18 15

Flash back from the breakfast day -

(Morgan P.O.V)

Once all of us decided on what we was going to do, we all went our separate ways. I was bout to go with my sisters but I didn't feel the need to be with them right now. I was so worried about Dustin and how he was doing at the moment. So I told them to leave with out me. Of course they didn't get why i wanted to stay back with him cause they thought what we was doing was all wrong. But I could careless because Dustin was my man. I just had to check on him.

Since my sister park on the side of the house. I decided to go in the house using the side door instead of the front. Once I was in I started walking around looking for Dustin. After I saw Kelly punch him in the face, my heart just drop. Dustin did not deserve none of that at all. And It was such a huge dumb bitch move on Kelly part.

Like i know he was mad and shit and frustrated and just out of it. but still that doesn't give him the right to punch my baby in the face. An the way Kelly had me feeling right now. I just didn't see the need to talk to him until he apologize to Dustin.

The breakfast was just to much!! And it turnt from zero to a hundred real fucking quick. I just really couldn't wrap my head around any of this nonsense and bullshid. And I actually couldn't believe raven would pull some shit like that and think it was going to be okay to bring her child here knowing good and well that was going to stir up some shit and have people thinking.

But then again ,on the bright side it really wasn't all that bad since Kacey got hurt in the process. I didn't like Kacey anyway nor her attitude. So she definitely had it coming regardless.But as I got more deeper in my thoughts about their little situation. I started thinking of mines and Dustin issue with Andria in the mix.

That could be me soon but in a different kind of way. I don't have any dirty laundry to air out nor secrets cause Dustin already knows about our son,and he is happy and wants to build our family up and maybe down the road get married. Which im looking forward too and is real excited about. But even though that sounds all great and shid, there is still just that one person that is standing in both of our ways, and that was Andria!

She still doesn't even know shit about our relationship ! Which makes me very aggravated and angry because that leaves me and dustin relationship stuck at where its been at, which I don't like at all. Its like if she don't get out the picture,then me and Dustin aren't going to grow and be happy.

And I get what dustin was saying to me earlier but still I'm not okay with it and if he wants me he is either going to have to let her know about us or I will take matters into my own hands and do something about it.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and headed to the stairs. As soon as I started to go up the steps I saw dustin coming down with a towel against his nose that had blood on it. I instantly turned into complete worried mode.

Morgan: Oh my gosh are you okay Dustin

He gave me a glare once he got down to the bottom.

Dustin: Does it fucking look like I'm okay morgan...Shid!!! Don't ask me no dumb questions.

He brushed pass me walking out the front door slamming it. I puffed and pinch the bridge of my nose getting aggravated and annoyed and follow seconds later behind him.

He was heading to the truck getting in and I wasn't going to let him go alone. I walked to the passenger side and got in without his permission

Dustin: What the fuck are you doing man

Morgan: I'm coming with you

I told him grabbing the seat belt and putting it around me. He glared at me then turnt around and beat it his fist against the stirring wheel hard as fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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