Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven, Too many references? Pizzia Hut or McDonald's? ADORABLE SRUFF!

Frisk's Pov

Finn looks at both of the builds and says "I give Ashton 9.5," Ashton had a smirk on his face then Finn continues "and Frisk 10.5!"

I laugh in Ash's face as he yells throwing one of his hands up in the air pointing his pointing finger "I WANT A REMATCH! I NEED TO RECLAIM MY GLORY! YOUR THE EMOJI MASTER! I NEED SOMETHING!"

I laugh "Maybe later, I'm hungry!"

Ash gave me a scared look then I remember, "I mean... ummm.... what's another word for it? I need to eat something but I'm not Hungry, I would never hint the AWESOME Prussia over the head with a frying pan!" (COMMENT HERE IF YOU KNOW WHAT ANIME IN TALKING ABOUT 😈)

Ash's laughs nervously "I was about to say something."

"How can I be Hunrgy if I'm Italy?" I ask smirking.

Sky asks confused "What are you guys talking about?"

Ashton and I both yell at the same time "ANIME!"

Finn sighs "We really need to learn about this anime stuff."

"Just call Alphys, she knows all the interesting animes." I say smirking.

Ash hugs my arm and says like he found the love of his life, "Why did I every leave you side?"

"I don't know, you were chasing some girl." I smirk.

He immediately says in the lovey dovey tone "I don't even remember her name, I'll I remember is you."

I roll my eyes and laugh "Your a bigger flirt then Chat Noir!" (COMMENT HERE IF YOU KNOW WHAT CHAT NOIR IS FROM)

"You are comparing me to my favorite character, thank you my lady!" He laughs.

"Oh shut up you stupid cat." I laugh rolling my eyes once more.

He says in a fake hurt voice "That really hurts me Princess!"

"Oh sorry not sorry Kitty!" I smirk messing up his blonde hair. (I may or may not have based him off of  Adrien/Chat Noir is that bad? Am I over doing the ML thing? Do i have a problem?)

He smirks "Its okay Princess! I forgive you."

"Where the frying pan?" I ask Jess with a smirk.


I smile "Thats more like it."

"So where should we go to eat?" Finn asks.

Jess suggests "Pizza Hut!"

"I wouldn't suggest that Jess." Ash warns her.

She asks confused "Why not?"

"I can't stand Pizza Hut, hurts my stomach." I answer, "But if you wanna go there I'm fine with it."

Sky smiles and mouths "Thank you."

I give him a weak smile as I get a stomach ache just thinking about it. (Fun fact about me, I hate Pizza Hut, it messes with my stomach)

¤ ¤


We sit in the booth, I smelled the grease from out side, I keep my thought to my side.

"Lets hope it isn't as greasey as it smells, maybe you can get something else like, a cookie cake, I'd like that." Chara smiles in my mind.

A War Over Me? (An Undertale Love war Story) ~Sans X Frisk V.S Asriel X Frisk~Where stories live. Discover now