Chapter Two

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Chapter Two, Alphys's dirty mind along with new assistant and eating spaghetting The Living Room

Frisk's Pov

I wake up my head on Sans lap, I immediately sit up, red as fuck, to see Papyrus Sleeping with his head in a popcorn bowel and Asriel curled up in a ball his ear covering his eyes, seeing all this made me smile I get up and walk to the kicthen and opened the cabinets and grabbed a Cherry Pop-Tart and close them, I turn around to see Papyrus five feet away from me, I yelp and he whisper "SORRY HUMAN I DIDNT MEAN TO SCARE YOU."

I reply quietly "Its okay, I just wasn't expecting that." I take a bite out of my Pop-Tart, for my phone in my back pocket starts ringing I immediately answering trying not to wake up the others and whisper "Hello?"

"H-Hey it's Alphys, I-I was wondering if y-you would come over l-later." She asks with a stutter.

I sigh still in a whisper "What do you need now?"

"I-I heard you f-fated yesterday a-and wanted to see i-if I could she what happened and w-why are you w-whispering." She answers.

I answer in a whisper looking over at Papyrus "Sans and Asriel are sleep in the other room, and sure."

"R-Really?! There s-sleeping in t-the same r-room?!" She asks excited.

I whisper yelled "Not like that! When did you get such a dirty mind?!"

"I-Is having a-a dirty m-mind bad?" She asks worried.

I whisper laugh "No, I never said mine was clean but I don't talk about it! Or suggest things!"

Papyrus looks at me like I just cussed her out then Asriel and Sans walk into the room half asleep and I sigh "Thank God I can stop whispering."

"O-Oh there a-awake now?" She asks.

I answer "Yep!"

"T-Tell them I-I said h-hey, but I-I have to g-go I'll s-see you in a f-few." She sighs.

I agree "Okay, and I will bye." Then she hung up, "Oh Alphys said hi."

Papyrus freaks out running into the other room "THAT WAS ALPHYS? SHE THOUGHT... OH GOD NO!"

I laugh shaking my head slowly, and Asriel asks confused "Whats up with him?"

I laugh with a smile "Lets just say.....Alphys doesn't have the cleanest mind."

Sans points to Asriel, and my smile grows and Sans gives me 'Im so done with that shit' face and  I walk out, Asriel even more confused while Sans is disguised, and went to the room to change, I lock the door behind me and change out of my p.j's into my purple  sweater, a black pair of high waisted jean shorts, my thigh high black socks and my black converse, I pull up my hair into a ponytail, and grab my phone and wallet stuffing them into my back pocket then walk out Papyrus asks me "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"

I say smiling "Alphys."
Chara basically screams, Dont go to Alphys's she'll find out about me! Do you want her to freak?! But of course I ignore her.

Papyrus starts freaking out again and I just laugh, Sans and Asriel walk into the room and watch as he freaks out Asriel still confused as hell and Sans looks over to me and mouths 'Why?' I shrug smiling like an idiot, then Papyrus stops all at once and asks me "WAIT... YOU SAID... BUT YOUR...."

I cut him off with a smile "People aren't always what they seem to be."

Now confusing Sans with what seem like no since to him, Papyrus asks "HOW DOES THAT WORK?"

A War Over Me? (An Undertale Love war Story) ~Sans X Frisk V.S Asriel X Frisk~Where stories live. Discover now