A/N workouts!!

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Hey guys soooo I noticed that they had super hero workouts, but no Voltron ones, sooooo I created Voltron workouts!!!!!!!!! It goes hardest to easiest let's do this because I can't do the shiro, allura, os pidge one so if you can then please comment below and I will give you a shout out in the next chapter, and don't lie now! But seriously here:
Voltron workouts(hardest to easiest)
40 push-ups
100 jumping jacks
25 squats
80 crunches
150 punches
2 minute plank

Do 6 reps and take 8 minute breaks in between reps.

30 girl push up
80 jumping jacks
15 squats
75 crunches
125 punches
1 minute plank

Do 5 reps and take 6 inure breaks in between reps. 

20 girl push-ups
40 jumping jacks
10 squats 
50 crunches
80 punches
30 second plank

Do three reps and take 5 minute breaks in between reps.

10 push ups
20 jumping jacks
7 squats
30 crunches
60 punches
20 second plank

Do 3 reps. And take 3 minute breaks In between reps.

10 push ups
15 jumping jacks
5 squats
15 crunches
40 punches
15 second plank

Do 2 reps. And take 3 minute breaks in between reps.

Grab a cookie
Eat cookie
Put cookie box
Do victory punch in the air
Run to freezer
Grab ice cream
Put ice cream in table
Get ice cream scoop
Try to scoop frozen ice cream into bowl
Freak out because of how hard this is
Eat ice cream
Do 5 push ups
5 jumping jacks
2 squats
5 crunches
20 punches
5 second plank

Do until you get sick take as long a break as you need.

Here's the Voltron workouts!

Sooooooo here ya go guys! I will post if I ever do the shiro one got it? Yay bye!

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