Hotline Bling ?

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In the MM from left to right Dean, Colby & Joseph (Joe)

                      - Joseph -

"Don't tell me to calm down" I warned Colby and Dean as I was pacing back and forth in my hotel room. I was pissed about the incident that happened earlier

" If we don't who's gonna do it ?" Said Colby nonchalently while looking for a drink in the mini fridge.

"I ain't a baby I don't need anybody looking out for me"

"I doubt that" he responded and threw each of us a beer.

I drink mine and relax a bit feeling less tense and angry

"Easy for you two, you weren't the ones being humiliated !"

"Hopefully" Dean sighed

"But I would have handled the situation that girl was cute"

I thought about her for a minute, yes she was beautiful but that don't excuse anything

"You didn't even try to be a gentleman"

"And she didn't try to not trip on me" I spat "And that's not even the thing, she got me wet!" Colby gave me a childlish look at the mention of the word 'wet'.

I rolled my eyes at him "Everybody can understand my point of view beside you two, try to be in my shoes for a sec" I explained calmer

"Look man, I understand you're pissed about tripping on this girl in front of the fans but you didn't have to loose it like that" Dean explained "That's bad publicity for you and the wwe, you're getting yourself in a lot of shit" he finished

I started thinking about Dean words wisely, I am a professional wrestler at the WWE, I have to act a certain way as a WWE superstar and my life outside the ring can't damage it. He's right hopefully the fans didn't record that moment so I don't get in trouble. I took another sip and cleared my throat.

"Yeah you two are right, this won't happen again, I'm gona try to chill"

"Yeah you got us thinking that you need anger managment" they laughed

"Shut up"

We talked some more about the work, our rivality in the ring, the fact that I was now booed by the fans which maybe explain my everyday mood swings, its just hard to work so much and to get so little recognition, then we trailed off on our personal lives, Dean has Renee, and they seem to be ok, Seth is a mess of course, He isn't too clear about if he is in a relationship or not.

"Quit talking about me, what about you mh?"

"You know about me, my situation is the same"

"How interesting, you still have one night stands huh?"

"Not lately, that just don't entertain me anymore I need a solid thing, y'know..?"

"What I'll tell you is to enjoy your liberty cause you gon regret it if you don' me" Dean said while checking is phone "I gotta go, Renee's acting up" he sighed

"Me too I'm not sleeping alone tonight" he proudly added with a big grin on his face. We dapped up as they left.

                         - Noel -

After at least 20 minutes on the road we arrived in front of Lydia house, as she parked her car I saw her man Joss at the door waving at us. I recognise him because of the description she gave me about him all the time on the phone and her twin sister Sylvia.

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