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Lydia in the MM

                       - Noel -

I woke up, still tired from all the thinking I had last night. I take my phone to see the time but my phone is uncharged. Probably because I left my music on while sleeping.

As I was trying to find my phone charger the pilot announced that we were landing. I plugged my phone and sat deeper in my seat a little tense. I tightened my grip around the armrests and closed my eyes before making the silent prayer that this plane don't crash "Here we go"

After 20 stressful minutes we landed safely in Florida at the Miami International Airport.

After that the waitresses allowed us to take our luggages. I took mine before exiting the plane. 20 minutes after I was out of the airport. I calmly composed my cousin number, I was staying at her house for now.

"...Hello ?" She answered in a raspy and sleepy voice.

"Hi Lydia, it's Noel !" I'm so happy to hear her voice.

This girl just yawned in my face, love her but she is the laziest
"Lydia !...Lydia ? Are you sleeping ?"

"Ugh yeah kinda" She yawned again

"Oh Gosh, you're always sleep even at 10:00 am"

"Girl, you know I need that beauty sleep"

"Nah you're just lazy, that's it"

"It's whatever" we both laughed, her high pitch voice and her ratchet ways never fail to put me in a good mood and right know I am in a good mood.

"Well sorry I have to bother you but I just landed and I'm waiting at the airport for you" I said a little excited to see her, it's been so long...we grew up together but she moved in the States and left Toronto when we were 12.

"Don't be sorry, I'm gonna see my boo now"

"Ok i'm waiting for you then, can't wait !"

"Same here ! Ok i'm getting ready bye." We then hung up.

I was waiting and I got hungry my stomach was dying.
I looked down to my belly in a fail attempt to stop the noises.

I can't fight the feeling but there is nothing to eat, So I then entered the airport and looked around.

"Ah there" I noticed a snack machine and got closer to it. I checked the prices and calculate the total of what I wanted, hot cheetos and sprite,
as I was looking for the money in my handbag, I heard a lot of agitation and could almost see a crowd forming from the corner of my eyes but I didn't care enough to look.

I'm not a fan of attention at all. I hate it, I have social anxiety & I am super shy.
So the less you pay me attention then the better.

I found and entered my 5$ in the machine then reached for my bag of hot cheetos and my sprite bottle.
I struggled to hold everything as my handbag, my phone, the hot cheetos, and my sprite bottle where all in my hands. My phone then slipped out of my hand then cracked on the floor, great now shit is great.
Several people turned toward me making me unconfortable and self concious. I cursed myself out before bending over hoping nobody will try and help me I don't need more attention.
I was a little hesitant to see my newly broke phone screen.

"God...No" I didn't expect it to be that much damaged.
I successfully unlocked it he's not destroyed just damaged on the surface.
Just like me.

My phone vibrated, it was  Lydia.
Lydia👯💕 12:47pm :
I'm in front of the airport, I cant find u.

                   Ok, inside im coming

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