Random Pieces Of Writing (Yogfic...oops)

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Our minds are twisted places…at least mine is. I seem to be quite sadistic, I find joy in others pain. There’s something strangely comforting about watching your lover being strangled to death in front of your eyes….Of course I’m being sarcastic. I’d rather do it myself. There’s nothing like the rush of adrenaline you get when someone is begging you not to take their life. I used to do it for fun until I met him. He changed my life and I hate him for that. It was that evening everything changed. The night that the short, ginger man clumsily stumbled into my usual hunting spot I knew that things were going to be different.

He fell about the pavement in a state of obvious intoxication, it didn’t take a genius to notice. I was thirsty for blood, I needed to kill, but the puppy dog look that I got from my victim struck my heart. I didn’t even know I could feel guilt…or even feel, but I felt like I needed to protect him. I did exactly that…and where did that get me? Here, watching the fumbling idiot get himself killed.

“Simon!” I tried to get his attention but it was too late. I wanted to save him but what could I do? He got himself into this mess and dragged me down with him. I didn’t care about him…or so I told myself. As much as I tried to, I couldn’t bear to see him like this anymore, but I didn’t have enough energy to do anything but watch as he slowly took his last breath.

A tsunami of tears began to blur my vision, I could just about hear the feint whisper that escaped his lips, a sound that only I could hear. Three very powerful words accompanied by my name and one other. Three words we have never exchanged before, and now will never be able to because he was gone. All I could hear was those words echoing inside my head, over and over.

“I love you, Lewis. Goodbye”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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