Random Pieces Of Writing

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Peaceful. I felt free walking alone, something I couldn’t normally do. That is why I loved the rain, everything is quiet, peaceful, still. As I approached the corner of the road, a large clap of thunder shook the sky and the rain started to fall harder and faster. My long brown hair was whipping in the wind, wrapping around my face and flying in every direction. I smiled to myself and looked up to the sky. I threw my mouth open and started to dance like I was the only person in the world, because, in that moment, I was. I threw my body into a puddle, feet first, and started to laugh. I’m sure if anyone saw me they would have thought I was mad but I didn’t care.

I came across my destination, the large, rusty iron gates clashing together in the wind. I pushed one open and walked inside. The gate crashed behind me making me jump. I shook my head and chuckled at my stupidity.

She was still as beautiful as I remembered. Her brown hair cut into a pixie-like bob, her beautiful aqua coloured eyes shining bright, her smile gleaming much like that of a child. I started to smile as I remembered many tiny details that seemed to escape from my mind prior to this moment.

She smiled brightly towards me, her arms outstretched in my direction motioning for me to hug her. I ran as fast as I could towards the, almost, older version of myself. I held her tight and refused to let go until shy pried herself from my grip, her smile perfectly matching that of my own.

My smile dropped. The perfect daydream brutally crumbling around me. The beautiful woman disappeared and in her place, a greying, heart-shaped monument stood still in between two others slightly larger than itself. I took a large breath as I shakily stepped towards it. A sad smile made its way to my pale face.

A tear fell from my eye and my heart cracked a little bit more. I crouched down and ran my finger over the only proof that my daydream was ever real. More tears started to fall but I was beyond the point of caring anymore. I cleared my throat before I started my normal speech…

“Hi, mum…”

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