The Second Letter

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Dear Mother and Father,

 I'm sorry I basically neglected any talk with you for literally years now. I was afraid to be reminded of the past, but I've learned it isn't right to run away from the past. I want to mend broken bonds. It's embarrassing to tell you this now, but... I have a farm, named Star Farm in Castanet. I am a very successful farmer, rancher (it's different from farmer because this means I have animals), miner, fisherwoman, and cook. I have many animals in my barn and coop. That man, Cain, that you were friends with, Father, he offered me a calf the first day I arrived here! I decided to have the black one and named her Amara. I also have well behaved pets, a black cat name Sailene, and a squirrel named Rachael. They know many tricks.

Aunt Haley had been right. Nothing worked here in Castanet, but with my determination, I earned a "Heroic" title, and basically saved the town! Now Castanet is a prosperous land once more!

Ooops! Almost forgot! I am now married to a fisherman named Toby, and I love him with all my heart! We have two little girls named Luna and Estrella! Luna is on the quiet side, but is very well mannered, and Estrella has a romantic aura about her. I hope you two aren't still angry at me. I would love for you two to come and visit some day! I really miss your cooking, Mother! Ha ha! Just joking! But I do miss my loving parents! I have to go for now, but I will write to you daily! I love you!



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