My Prized Possession

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Nothing interesting happened again for a long time. It took a long time to get Finn to talk to me again. I gave him a common mushroom from the fridge everyday. In the past he had told me Harvest Sprites like any mushrooms that aren't suspicious. Eventually we were good friends again. Mother was angry at me all the time and constantly had me doing chores. Father wouldn't even look at me. But like Finn, they eventually got over it. It took them until my scratches had healed and there wasn't a sign they ever existed.

Now that they put what I had done in the past, they were ready to celebrate my birthday, which was on Winter 17. I was a little excited. Mother was an excellent cook, so the cake would be good. I had no idea if I was getting a present, though. Even if I got a present or if they asked me what I wanted, I wouldn't know.  Finn constantly asked me. I just would grin a little and ignore him.

Everyday I became more and more excited. I swear that Mother should've been a baker instead of a housewife. Her cake was the best thing I've ever tasted. Even if it was made of some vegetable, I bet it would be better than any other chocolate cake.

On my birthday, it was snowing outside. It was pretty. "Happy Birthday, Beatrice!" Finn shouted, startling me, causing me to fall off my bed. "Sorry!" he exclaimed. I got up and silently laughed. He laughed, too."Hee, hee! I'm sorry, Beatrice. Here. I got you a present." He held out a rose. I was very surprised. Finn blushed. "Thanks, Finn," I smiled as I took it and put it in my pocket. I quickly climbed down the ladder.

"Happy Birthday, Beatrice", Mother said while cooking. I smiled and nodded. "I'm making pancakes." I smiled and went to put the silverware on the table. She lightly tapped my hand and said, "Nope! Sit down. Your father and I will set table." I looked at Finn and he shrugged. So I sat down and Finn sat on the edge of the table. "Maybe I underestimated your mother," Finn noted. I was confused. He noticed my expression and explained, "Oh! What I mean is that I didn't know it was possible for her to be soo nice to you." I laughed silently and Finn laughed with me. 

Soon the pancakes were done and on a plate in the middle of the table. She got the utensils when Father came in. "Happy Birthday, Beatrice." I nodded and smiled while blushing. He got the plates and they set the table. It was strange just watching them set it when it was usually Father that just watched us set it.

They sat down and Mother said, "Help yourself." I couldn't believe she was talking to me. I blinked. Father and Mother always got food first. "Take some, Beatrice," Father urged me on. I got a couple pancakes and passed the plate to Father. Mother gave me the syrup while Father got his pancakes.

Breakfast was very pleasant. It was amazing how kind they were. Finn and I marveled at it. Once we were done eating, Father asked me, "Would you like to go to Fallow Mines with me?" "R-really?" "Yeah! You know, why not?" "O-okay!"

So Father, Finn, and I set on our little journey to the mines after Mother gave us both perfect hearty lunches. We walked past the Agon Forest and Gigi Fields. Soon we were at Fallow Mines. I was fairly nervous about this. I heard that the mines were dark, scary, and easy to get in serious trouble in. Well, as long as I stay with Father, I ought to be fine, I thought. "Stay by my side and watch. You'll be fascinated."

We entered the Fallow Mines and he took his hammer out from his pocket. He hit many stones. It took a while before he hit one that was junk ore. It was interesting. Even if it was junk ore, it was amazing how it changed. He hit a couple more and one turned to iron ore. He hit white crystal-like structures, and one turned into a yellow wonderful. Soon Father drained lots of stamina, so he needed to eat his perfect hearty lunch. I saved mine for later.

I watched him work for a long time. Eventually his stamina was low again. I offered him my perfect hearty lunch, but he said it was my birthday. So he ate five common mushrooms, and he could work again. He found many more ores and wonderfuls. When he had just got a purple wonderful, he exclaimed, "It's 16 o'clock already! We gotta go! Mother wants us there at 18!"

Walking through Gigi Fields I ate my perfect hearty lunch so Mother wouldn't know I didn't eat it at lunch time. Soon we passed Agon Forest and were home at 18:10. We came in, but being late didn't faze Mother. A beautiful chocolate cake with candles sat on the table. I clapped my hands for joy. "First we'll give you our present." So I do have a present. Huh, I thought.  Father said, "You know how today we went to Fallow Mines. Well the other day I went there and found a blue wonderful then got it refined. It turned out to be glass." I looked at him questioningly, and Finn was confused too. "So... he got you glass?" Him and Mother chuckled. "Oh your face, Beatrice. On with the story. Luckily I had another blue wonderful and it turned out to be a sapphire!" He took it out his pocket. Finn and I gasped!

They laughed. I blushed and accepted it. Soon they all sang happy birthday, and I blew out the candles. The cake was delicious like I had guessed it'd be. And just like that my birthday was over.

In bed instead of staring at the ceiling, I admired the sapphire. It would be my prized possession. Something to remind me of the best day of my life. I vowed I'd clean it every day and it would not be used wrongly.

Mother and Father acted like they usually did. Their sour usual selves, but I had my sapphire as proof of how they really did love me. When bored I'd wipe the sapphire with my handkerchief and remember my blissful birthday. I could tell Finn thought about that day often also. It was unforgettable!

One day I was washing dishes with Mother after lunch. She went to sewing, which was a signal to me I had some free time before she wanted me to help her again. I climbed up the ladder and looked in my dresser for the sapphire. But it wasn't there! I panicked. "Where is it!?" Finn exclaimed. I shook my head and rushed down the ladder. "Mother!" "No shouting." "Mother." "Yes?" "My sapphire is missing. " "No it isn't." "Yes it... what do you mean it isn't?" "Your father took it," she stated matter of factly.  "What do you mean?" "We are severely low on G, so he took it to sell so we can have more money again." I stared at the floor in shock. "He knew you wouldn't mind since we're in a pinch." I got angry. "But he should have asked first." "Well, he is your father. He shouldn't have to ask a seven year old." "But it was mine! He gave it to me for my birthday! He can't just take it back like that!" "Voice." "No! I don't care! That was my prized possession! I would have given it to him if he asked, but he didn't!" "Go to your room!" "What!?" "Go to your room!"

I angrily climbed up the ladder, ran to my bed, and cried until I fell asleep. When I awoke, I could hear Mother and Father talking. "She got extremely upset. Threw the biggest fit." "Beatrice!" he called. "She's asleep!" she rasped. "Beatrice!" I got up slowly and just as slowly climbed down the ladder. I stared. "I was going to replace it later when we have a little more money, okay?" I nodded. "Go back to bed. Tantrums aren't allowed in this household," he continued. 

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