Chapter 6

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Sorry for taking forever :( homework and i have a lot to do over the winter time off ok this chapter is dedicated to one of my good friends and my first fan :)

Ok heres the chapter

Chapter 6


We exchanged numbers and said good bye. I went into my house and said hello to my parents as I past them.

After I change into my Pjs and took a shower I went on my computer and logged into Facebook. I had 4 notification. * Ding! ding!Ding! the Skype page popped up. Oh no they are all online the horror! I had a request for a group chat with all of them I accepted the chat request. hmm , maybe I shouldn't have accepted the chat oh well too late. All three of their faces popped up on my computer screen.

Me: hey

Donna: hey do what happen!!!!!

Eileen and Jessica: What happen?

Donna: She had a date ;)

Jessica : what!? Why didn't you tell us!

Eileen: forget that WHO DID YOU WENT OUT WITH???

Donna: some hottie. ;)

Me: -.- really !?

Jessica: lol I forgot that you were here.... :D so who??

Me: Umm... Well you know him...

Eileen: who?

Jessica: I know everyone so that's not helpful.

Me: Fine its Sam ......

Eileen: the new guy?

Me: yah

Jessica: oh my fudging gosh!

Me: yah.....

Donna: so how was it your date ;)

Me: it was dinner...

Donna: samething!

Me: I learn stuff about him

Donna: what kind of stuff huh? ;)

Me: whoa! Not that you are so dirty minded ... O.O

Jessica & Eileen: Eww Donna!

Donna: lol no I didn't mean that! Now tell us!

I looked at the clock it was almost 11:00pm.

Me: I thing it's time to sleep..

Eilleen Jessica & Donna: No! Don't change the subject!

Me: fine I learn what he like his past life and stuff like that.

Jessica: anything else?

Me: like what?

Jessica: like some lip action. ;)

Me: no. but there was some eating food action.

Jessica : .... -.-

Eileen: so where did he bring you?

Me: some steak house

Jessica :the one with the ... ( she started to describe the restaurant)

Me: I believe so.

Jessica: omg it's that really popular restaurant and there was a hockey game. how did he get you guys in? :O

Me: by asking for a table? Or he knows people that work there.

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