Twisted (chapter 5 part 2) the wedding

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I hope you are enjoying this book I know its a little slow but I promise it will all speed up again. im just trying to wright about the wedding I know nothing interesting has happened either especially in the wedding but that will also change.

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Happy holidays and merry Christmas xx


I walked into the hall that the party was being held all the guessed where in line waiting to get inside. I stood in the entrance of the hall there was an indoor water fountain on my left and on my right was a table with presents on top and behind it was a mirror the mirror made it look like there was a separate room it kind of irritated my eyes and brain.

I have waited for about five minutes so far and already getting inpatient I get inpatient really easy I'm just one of those peoples I guess I'm always been told to not get my nickers in a twist or in fact to hold the bus.

Ten minutes have now passed and I finally made my way into the party. There was a big gape in the middle of the room for dancing and I think there is about ten tables each side although I didn't even bother using my math skills to count exactly how many there where but than again I'm horrible at math I'm such a blonde.

The tables had white sheets and the chairs had a white cover over the top as well with a pink bow tied at the back.

We took our seats, our table was at the front near the big long table that the bride and groom will be sitting. The tables where set very nicely in the middle of the table there was a bunch of pink and white flowers that sat in a white vas, there was a small plate that sat neatly on top of a big plate, a fork and a knife where placed on the side of the plates with a napkin folded neatly underneath. My name was written on a silver pice of cardboard to tell me that this was my seat.

when everyone was seated music started to play a beautiful tune that I had never herd of and the bride maids started walking up to there seats in the same order than the bride and groom, they took there seats with he bride maids on the left and the groom men on the right that leaves the bride and groom in the middle of course.

the food was really interesting it was all Italian food which makes cense since my dads family is Italian which makes me half Italian. me and my brother where giggling because some of the food looks really gross and unusual. but other than that some of it was quit good. for dinner I had pasta, there was a choice of any Italian meal that was on the menu.

"pizza, of course why am I not surprised?" I commented looking over at my brother. Every time we ate somewhere that offered Hawaiian pizza it would be Josh's first choice without hesitation. we don't even have to ask Josh what he wants if Hawaiian pizza is on the menu.

We all sat there for a long while just talking, I scanned the room looking at all the guest on the tables, realising that I was just one of those guest.

I got up out of my chair and walked up to my cousin Chloe who was one of the brides maids and her table was at the front, no one was sitting with her and she looked pretty board like I am so I figured I should talk to her.

As I was walking up it felt a little awkward, I could feel eyes on me from my cousin and people that where sitting at there table. When I reached her table I crosses my arms and rested them on the table.

"Hello," I said nicely.

"Hi Ellie,"

Really no Bella, I thought. My cousins always call me Bella, Chloe always calls me Bella, Bella means beautiful in Italian. all my cousin have been calling me Bella since I was born, has that like stopped now?

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