Michael the Psycho

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I met Michael when I was a super insecure 18 year old. We met on a shitty dating app, chatted for a few days and then met up for a date after a week or so of knowing each other. The date went well and we became an item almost immediately after (ah so young, so naive).

Now when I was 18, I was a pretty timid girl, with very low self esteem and was desperate for a boyfriend because I had never had one.

Michael would lie, lie and lie some more. When I first met him he told me he was 19 but on our first date he told me he was actually 18, and about a month into our 2 month relationship ( so long ) he told me he was actually 23. I asked to see his ID and he refused to show me, so I just accepted that my now boyfriend was 23. He lied about his father being dead, he lied about his last name, and he lied about his ethnicity on multiple occasions. I just ignored all the red flags because a guy actually wanted me.

Anywho, one night shit hit the fan. Michael and I were hanging out around his neighborhood and I needed to charge my phone. He took it inside his house to charge it for me, while I waited for him outside. We walked around for maybe an hour when I decided I should start heading home and asked if he could get my phone for me. He comes back with my phone and I have a shitload of missed calls and texts from my best friend, my mother and and one of my brothers. I thought someone had died and I called my mother and she didn't seem too worried, just asked where I was and said everyone's been trying to get in contact with me. I called my bestie and asked her what was up and she told me that someone was posting some photos on my Instagram (nudes that I took for Michael and forgot to delete off of my phone). She panicked and assumed someone had taken me or something because she knew I'd never post pictures like that on Instagram, so she called my mom and my brother to ask if they knew where I was. Which they didn't because no one knew about Michael.

I sign into insta, I see the pics and freak out. I walk back up to Michaels door and ask him if his cousin is the one who posted the pics on my ig and Michael is very clearly, pretending to be confused and his cousin comes to the door shouts some insult that I can't remember and shuts the door on my face. At that point I feel super violated and just wanted to go home and cry. So I called up my older brother and he picked me up and took me home.

Needless to say, I dumped Michael after that. And he was cool about it and accepted it like a normal person would. Lol jk.

I ignored every text and call he sent me. I would block a number and 5 mins later I'd get another text from a new number. In total I ended up blocking 10 random numbers, all him, all the same text "I miss you". This was before you were able to to easily block someone on the iPhone, so I had to call my carrier each time and give the rep the number I wanted to block. 10 numbers was their limit.

One day, I unlock my phone and see that I have a text from yet another random number, this time it's a picture of him holding a gun and "I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you if you don't respond". I wasn't really scared because he had no idea where I lived, so I just took a screen cap of the message just in case some shit went down. But after that the texts stopped for months.

I was working at a fast food place at the time and when I closed I would get home super late from work (sometimes 3am). I worked in the city but did not live there, I would have to take a 30 min ferry ride and another 30 min bus ride to get home.

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