Chapter 16: Gear Up!

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i really hate writing about plans but i have to so sorry if this chapter is boring!

| vanoss' pov |

I sat at the large table, with everyone around. Wildcat, Lui, Nogla, Terroriser, Moo, and Wrk.

"This is how everything will work." I started, "Moo you will be our medic. You will stay in the van, and you will be monitoring everything as well. You will be equipped with an assault rifle. Wildcat, Nogla, Terroriser, and I; will be action. We will be equipped with C4's, grenades, knives, heavy pistols, and we will all have MG's. Lui will be our snipper, and you will be on the opposite building with a helicopter for an escape. Marcel will be equipped with a MG, and he will be the one scoping out the area, going in before us; to see if theres are any bombs or traps."

The gang all looked at each other and nodded.

Description — [third person pov]

Moo put on a bullet proof vest, with light combat boots, light combat pants, light upper combat armour. He had black gloves on and a black bullet proof helmet on. Full out black. He carried an advanced aid kit, and his gun.

Wildcat, Nogla, Terroriser, and Vanoss all got into full out black gear. They all had light bullet proof vests on, light combat boots, light combat pants, and a light combat vest, along with a long sleeved black team shirt, which had padding as well along the shoulders and elbows. The all got black combat masks as well. They had belts around their waists full of weapons, and knives strapped around the outside of their pants, around their thighs.

Lui had light armour on, and a light bullet proof vest. He had a different head piece than everyone else. He had a black bullet proof helmet on as well.

Marcel was equipped with the same combat, just like Wildcat, Terroriser, Nogla, and Vanoss, except heavy. He also had a small shield.

| vanoss' pov |

We all got into the cars except for Moo. We started driving towards the abandoned warehouse. Lui hacked into the system they had and we scoped out cameras which were everywhere. Lui was already at the building he was supposed to be at.

Once we reached where we were, Lui had shot all the cameras. "All clear." He said, all of us hearing it through our ear piece.

sorry!! >.<
i know this is very short like the last but i promise the next two will be longer!
i know that i delayed this slightly, and im sorry!!
hopefully you guys will like the next few chapters!
just note this book IS coming to an end shortly!
[sorry for any grammar mistakes or any other mistakes i did NOT check it over!]

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