Two -

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Tom's POV -

I was awoken by the sunlight shining straight through the window and directly into my line of vision, making me want to punch the person that had forgotten to close the curtains that night.

"Rach?" I mumbled, attempting not to open my eyes because I could already feel my headache and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

So much for not drinking too much last night and being home at a respectable hour.

"I'm not sure who this 'Rach' is, but you must really love her." an unfamiliar voice spoke from beside me, causing me to force my eyes open and jump back in shock when I was met with some brunette that I had never seen before in my life.

"Who the hell are you?" I snapped at her, using the sheet to cover myself up as I immediately noticed both her and myself were naked; our clothes were thrown somewhere across the room in various directions.

"You didn't seem to care last night when you were all over me in that club." she laughed.

"I was drunk. I've got a wife, and a dau-"

"Spare me your life story Tom because I really don't care. You can't love your family that much though for you to be here, in my bed, rather than at home with all of them." she laughed again; which was just making me more and more annoyed because this was never meant to happen.

I didn't want to lose everything before I had the chance to even get used to it all again.

This was a terrible mistake and, had Max and Nathan not been deliberately trying to get me as drunk as they could, then it never would have happened; none of this would have happened and I'd be at home now.

I'd be waking up next to my wife, rather than next to some stranger who seems to find this all rather amusing.

"Who are you?" I asked her again, still wanting to know her name.

"Aw. Has Tom really forgotten who I am? Can poor old Tom not recognise me?" she questioned, looking at me with a smirk on her face and, as I looked at her one more time, taking in all of her features, it hit me just who it was and why she was enjoying this as much as she was.


"Well done. Give yourself a gold star." she continued to laugh at me.

I decided that I was going to ignore her as I quickly found all of my clothes and pulled them back on, wanting to get away from her and never see her again; I needed to get home and I needed to apologise to Rachel for not coming home last night.

I just wanted everything to be as it was when I left last night, and I wanted to forget that this had even happened.

It made me feel sick knowing I had actually slept with Lauren and she loved that she had finally got her own way with me.

"If you're going home, then I shouldn't bother." Lauren stated.

"Why would that be?"

"Because Rachel may have phoned, and I may have answered, and I may have also told her what happened between the two of us last night." Lauren giggled in the same annoying voice she always used when she was around me.

"You had better not have done." I snapped at her with tears in my eyes.

"I'd check your phone if I was you Parker. I'll be seeing you soon." Lauren spoke with a vile smirk on her face as she pushed me out of her room and in the direction of her front door, which I only too willingly walked out of, checking my phone as I did so.

I saw that I had a text message from Rachel and, I checked my phone log, seeing that Lauren wasn't lying about Rachel phoning me either; and the conversation lasted for nearly fifteen minutes.

She had told her everything, and she had enjoyed making me suffer at the same time.

Why do I always have to screw things up when I've just found real happiness again?

Good one Tom.

You wonder why you're always alone and why the people you love always leave you.

This is why they do.

From Rach;

Don't even bother coming home. I know what you did and it makes me sick! I hate you Tom!

To Rach;

Babe, look, I'm sorry. I was drunk and it should never have happened. Please just let me explain?

From Rach;

I don't care if you were drunk, you still slept with her despite having a family you claim to "love" so much waiting for you at home. Stay away from me!

I didn't reply to her after that, she had made herself clear and there was no point in aggravating the situation even more; she really did hate me and she didn't want to see me again.

I had really messed it up this time and I didn't know if I was going to be able to repair the damage I had done - this was nothing like last time, it was so much worse than that and Rachel wasn't going to forgive me for being a twat.

I walked, not really knowing where I was going, but I ended up heading in the direction of Kelsey's place and she would be able to help me out with what to do; right after she had shouted at me and told me what an idiot I was for cheating on Rachel.

I suppose that's what a bestfriend is for and they're always there for you, even when you make the worst decisions of your life and end up throwing everything away for the sake of a quick night with some bitch who has been out to ruin my relationship ever since it started.

Picking Up The Pieces [Final Part Of Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now