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Tom's POV -

"You had better not get too drunk tonight." Rachel sighed at me as I prepared to go out for the night.

I hadn't really been out in the time that me and Rachel had been married because, with her being pregnant and it being a difficult pregnancy as well, someone has had to look after Steph and work at the same time; so that person was me.

Nathan and Max had basically told me that I was going out with them tonight and I didn't really have any other choice in the matter, but I wasn't going to argue with them either because I wanted a good night out with them.

However, Rachel was making that very difficult for me when I was under strict instructions not to get too drunk and that I was to be back at a suitable hour as well so that I could pick Steph up from my mum's as well.

"Don't worry babe. I'll make sure I stay sober." I chuckled.

"I'm being serious Parker. Steph needs picking up tomorrow and there's no way I can do it." she replied with a deadly serious look on her face which shows she wasn't to be messed with or there would be serious consequences for my actions.

"OK. I will stay sober and I will be back in time to pick Steph up from my mum's place, don't panic." I smiled softly at her to reassure her that I was going to be back and I was going to do as I promised.

"You better had do because I'm not phoning her and asking her to bring her back. Again." Rachel snapped at me.

It had happened before where I'd agreed to pick Steph up from somewhere, but then Rachel had to phone and ask them if they wouldn't mind bringing her back because I was unable to do it.

Not because I had a hangover, but because I ended up being called into work at the last moment and I wasn't in a position to really turn it down as we need the money, especially now we're going to be feeding two children and one of them is going to need an awful lot of attention throughout the day and night.

I was looking forward to the birth of this baby because it meant I would be able to do everything properly, and I was going to make sure I didn't miss out on anything that I did with Steph - from its first steps, to its first words to the first time it sits up on its own.

"I promise babe, I won't let you down this time. Steph will be back home before you know it, now go and get some rest. You've been on your feet all day." I said to her as I grabbed her hand and helped her to walk down the stairs, getting her into the living room and onto the sofa where she would probably end up falling asleep in front of some crap film on the TV.

"I don't mean to be like this, I just want everything to be perfect between the two of us." she muttered, putting her feet up on the sofa and taking the remote out of my hand.

"I know and, when this baby arrives, everything will only get better between us. I love you Rachel." I smiled at her.

"I love you too Tom, and have a good night tonight." she smiled back at me as she gave me a quick kiss before I grabbed my phone and keys off the table and headed out of the door, giving Rachel one last smile as I closed the door behind me and walked down to the bottom of the road where Max and Nathan were already waiting for me.

"About time too mate. The beer isn't going to drink itself you know?" Max joked.

"I can't drink too much tonight anyway." I replied.

"Rachel told you not to?" Nathan questioned, and I just nodded at him. He knew what she was like and how bad she had become, especially in the last couple of months whenever it came to me being able to go out on the rare occasions that I did go out.

Picking Up The Pieces [Final Part Of Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now