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All was silent as I crept through the bamboo; everyone able had been sent out in search of Aspen. As the circle'd gotten wider and wider, the people spread out; I was alone now. What if I were to encounter him? There was no way I could beat him in a fight again. And somehow, I had the feeling that we wouldn't find him. I knew he hadn't left the Realm yet, because Rosalinda could sense Aspen's presence and had told me that just a few minutes before.

This was a wild goose hunt. No tracks'd been found, he had just disappeared into thin air. Unless...

I turned and started to run back to the Grove. I knew I couldn't just run al the way back, but whatever.



I might kn–

A girl stood in front of me. A really pissed girl.


Without any warning she drove into me, flinging me to the ground. She put her foot onto my breast, pinning me down.

"Oh hello, how's the wolfie doing? Not much of an owl yet, I don't think. Can't fly and not very wise either. Thinks she can win! This is actually quite endearing. Oh well, I guess she needs to be taught a little bit better. Hmm, but how? Prob–"

"Probably not at all."

Both of us froze at hearing that voice.

His voice.

Aspen laughed. "Oh gods, you two're funny. Squabbling little bitches, too busy to notice the escapee. Of course he can't have any witnesses. He could've killed you easily, but he's in for some fun. Shall we begin?" He spoke differently than the last time, but his voice and intentions hadn't changed. "Oh, and I wouldn't mind bringing back two trophies. One dead," he looked at Melany, "and one almost," he said, giving me a half-smile.

It was the first time I saw Melany afraid. Without a second thought, she turned and ran. In an instant he caught her again, and she screamed. He was scorching her skin, and she was looking utterly confused.


"Oh yes, I can burn you. Now that's how it feels. Never felt it before, have you? As someone special, with Fire and Water. Want to– Damn!" He released her, and I ran. That was all I could do for the girl. I had picked up my bow and shot him in the arm. Aspen was furious, I could feel it.

How long could I keep this sprint up? A glance behind me showed no sign of him, but you never knew.

The problem with bamboo was, you couldn't exactly climb up it. Funny how I knew some foreign things, like bamboo, but not bananas. Miran had always been full of merchants that brought goods from far places. I supposed the bananas would've rotted before they could ever reach Lena.

Thank goodness, there was the beginning of the butterfly field. I was lucky not to have been too far away from the Grove.

Yes! A proper tree. I climbed up it as fast as I could.

Holy horses, what a run! Did I shake him off? What'd happened to Melany?

A feint scent of smoke drifted up to me. It became stronger every second. I looked down, and saw that, to my horror, the tree was on fire.

Oh no.

I tried to concentrate on what I had learned the past moon. Fire, quenched by water, absence of air... what good was that to me now? I hadn't learned enough yet to know how it all worked.

Jumping out of the tree was my only option. If Melany could be burned by his fire, I certainly could too.

I jumped, rolled, and stood, unsheathing a Shan. I pointed it at Aspen.

'Go now, or this won't end well. There is no mercy like last time. Go!' I tried to sound fierce, and I do believe I did.

He laughed, but ran nonetheless.

I hadwon. But something told me he'd be back.    

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