Chapte 2

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Half way down the route Ryan had stopped to let Lyra and Chikorita train and catch some Pokemon, Ryan showed Lyra how to catch a Pokemon and she managed to catch a Sentret, she was so happy she jumped with joy and hugged her Chikorita, Paul and Clair rolled their eyes while the guys told her she did a good job.

Ryan had let his Charizard, Char, out so he could fly around for a little and so they could have lunch, Drew and Gary ended up cooking since the others suck at sat next to Clair and hopped to get some tips from her on being a trainer or maybe even become friends. Clair ignored her but when she couldn't she stood up and pointed to Lyra.

"Listen, I don't really care about Pokemon besides Char since I helped raise him, but all the rest I don't care for unless they are cute, and besides why the heck would I want to talk to someone who doesn't even have a good fashion sense, if it wasn't for Ryan being so nice you wouldn't even be with us right now, I mean no one would even wears overalls anymore, what are you a Mario fan or something? Leave me you loser!" Clair snapped at Lyra.

When she saw that Lyra wasn't going to say anything else she turned and went to find guys just stared at Lyra and waited to see what she would do. Paul was proven wrong by his earlier thought of her face being frozen into a smile since she now had a frown on her face and her eyes were watering, she got up and before the guys could even stop her she took off running back to New Bark town.

Ryan had walked by as she ran by with tears running down her eyes. He gave the guys a confused look at Ash, Gary, Drew, and Zack; Ryan walked over to Paul and asked what simply stood there and glared at Clair who was clinging to Ryan's arm. "How about you ask Clair what happened," Paul hissed mainly at Clair as he followed the others after Lyra.

It wasn't something he would normally do but he didn't want to be around Clair, if he had stayed he was sure he would have told Ryan about what she did and has been doing, he didn't want to make his friend depressed when they were on a mission that could kill him if his emotions for the best of him. That's why Paul is always knew that is what got his parents killed their emotions got the best of them when they were on their last mission, and because of it they died, he knew that if he wanted to survive then he had to stay hallow.

That's also another reason why he won't date anyone, it is a distraction that he didn't need."Lyra, don't listen to Clair, she is a bitch and says that to every girl who tries to get to know any of us mainly Ryan." Ash said; Paul was shocked that Ash would actually say that. He was the kindest out of all of us. Sure Ryan was kind but he curses. Ash NEVER curses. Everyone stared at Ash for a moment before they looked back at Lyra; she was now sitting on the floor Pokemon were trying to calm her down, but she ignored them, Zack sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

"Ash is right, none of us like her, we only act it because of Ryan, here tell you what, here is all of our numbers, once you get done traveling around Johto and we are no longer here just give us a call and we will show you all around Kanto, I promise." Zack said with a gentle smile, he had taken Lyra's phone and put their number's in it just for her. She gave him a nod but it didn't stop the tears.

She was really wondering what Clair had said about her was true, all her friends back home thought her outfit was cute, it was actually her older sister's outfit from when she was Lyra's age. But now that she looked at her outfit she couldn't help but think about getting a new outfit just so she wouldn't be called Mario again or if other people would make fun of her for her looked down at her Pokemon and gave them a weak smile; she was ashamed that she had thought about giving up on being a Pokemon trainer.

The guys gave Lyra some time to calm down before they went back to Ryan and Clair they were talking in calm voices but the guys knew it was a fight; they would fight like this sometimes when Clair was being a bitch to any girl at they never broke up with the guys hated with every fiber of their being. When Ryan noticed the boys were back with Lyra he waved and dropped it completely and asked Lyra if she was alright, she nodded and sent Clair a glare to show that she didn't like her at boys gave each other a high five when Ryan and Clair weren't looking and welcomed Lyra as a friend just like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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