Plague Inc.

460 11 4

Log_42 29-11- 2015

Once, there were 7 billion people in the world. The human race ruled supreme. It's dominance - taken tor granted. (cough)

I find it hard to picture that world now.

The plague was unlike anything we've ever encountered before. It came out of nowhere, spreading undetected. It's only symptom, a tiny cough. We think Patient 0 started in Africa but we can't be sure.

By the time we spotted it, 10% of the world was infected. Even then we didn't take it very seriously.

Ah but everything changed when it mutated and people began to drop dead on the streets.

It rapidly become the greatest threat that our species had ever faced.

Governments united in an extraordinary effort to develop a cure but it wasn't 'enough.

Civilisations collapsed, the plague keeps killing! (cough) (cough)

Now we live in a lab, isolated from those we try to save. Ethics and morals all gone, the cure is all that matters now.

It evolves so damn fast but we are close! We just..(cough) we just need more time.

(cough cough...cough) ...thump...

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