Chapter Four (rewritten)

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June 26, 2010

It's been a long, painful and stressful journey for Samantha, being Kol's shadow was no easy feat. She had to endure horrific pain whenever Kol was tortured by other vampires or vampire hunters. He obviously could not die and Samantha was already dead anyway but it still felt like the pain that she was feeling from Kol was going to kill her off for good. However, a few months ago, Kol returned to Mystic Falls where all of their other siblings were currently living. It was a messy and bloody reunion, however, after the arguing, they all finally made peace with one another. Because of this, Samantha and Henrik had finally reunited for good, or so it seems. 

Today was Samantha and Henrik's birthday, they would have been 1024 years old today. This year, Samantha and Henrik's remaining siblings had all decided to go and visit their graves since none of them had visited them since they died. However, since they had all reunited this year, they agreed that it would only be right if they were to go visit their long lost little brother and sister on their birthday.

It was approaching ten o'clock at night, Samantha watched as her siblings were getting ready to visit herself and Henrik's graves.

Once they had all arrived at Samantha and Henrik's burial ground, some of them took it in turns to talk to us.

"I miss you both so much, I wish I could still dress you both up and make flower crowns with you in the meadow." Rebekah said whilst giggling at her comment slightly, but you could still see the sadness in her eyes.

Next up was Elijah, "I love you both and I hope you have found peace." he said and put a red and a white rose on each of our graves. 

"I miss my partners in crime, it's so boring without you both here. The others are no fun at all." Kol said with his signature smirk. He was trying to disguise his pain as though he didn't care about anything, but Samantha knew better by now. 

"This is all my fault, I have never and will never forgive myself for taking you both out to the cabin that night, if I hadn't maybe you would've been here with us right now. I'm sorry." Niklaus said with genuine emotion which Henrik nor Samantha had seen since the day they died. 

Samantha and Henrik watched sadly as they watched their siblings start to walk away from the graves. Never being able to tell them that they forgive Niklaus and that they love and miss them all. 


Samantha and Henrik were now back at the house and were sitting on the swinging chair outside in the large garden. They were sat in silence, thinking about the days events and how much they missed living. 

Then something weird started happening, Samantha's whole body started tingling and she was shaking.
"Henrik, what's happening to me." Samantha asked, scared.

"It seems as though you are being pulled by some sort of magic." He stops and she can tell he is in deep thought, "Oh my Samantha, I think someone's trying to bring you back to life." Henrik finishes.

"Wait, what!? No they can't, I can't leave you here Henrik."  Samantha cried.

"You have to Sammy, don't worry about me. Maybe I'll finally find peace, who knows. But I'll be fine. Go on, you can finally live again. Just don't forget about me." Henrik said.

"How could I forget you Henrik, you're my twin, my other half. I love you, brother." And those were the last words Samantha said to Henrik before she blacked out.


Samantha woke up with a gasp. She looked around and everything seemed to be much more heightened and much brighter than it normally was on the other side. Samantha then realised what was happening, she was no longer on the other side, she was alive. 

Long lost Mikaelson (The Originals and TVD fanfiction) OH HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now