Chapter Two (rewritten)

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November 1, 1001 A.D.

"Ugh...where the bloody hell am I?" Samantha says whilst looking at her surroundings.

She stands up and instantly clutches at her stomach, she look down and see that her body is covered in deep cuts. Samantha started to remember everything from the night before, the wolves; they killed her. She was confused, she didn't understand what was happening to her. For all her life she always had it in her mind that when you die, that's it, there's nothing else. That's why Samantha couldn't get to grips with what was happening, she had to be dead, that much she knew, there was no possible way in her mind that she could've survived what had happened to her.

Taking a look at her surroundings more closely, she realised that she was standing in the cabin that herself, Niklaus and Henrik were in last night to try and see the wolves. Looking towards the bedroom, Samantha sees something move.

"Sammy? Is that you?" Samantha turns around and sees Henrik standing behind her, who is also covered in the same deep cuts she is.

"Henrik, what happened? How can you see me? I'm dead" Samantha said, clearly confused. 

"The Wolf that killed you, got to me first, I assume as soon as it killed me, it came straight after you." Henrik said sadly.

Henrik and Samantha had been pacing around the hut for about an hour now. They had no idea what was happening. From what they were taught and told, they should have found peace by now.

Suddenly a huge cloud of smoke appears in the middle of the room. Samantha ran over to Henrik and held his hand as she was really scared and didn't know what was happening.

The cloud of smoke disperses and a women stands with her back facing them.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Henrik said to the mysterious women.

The women starts to turn around to face them, the twins couldn't believe it, it was their mother, Esther.

Mother, why are you here? What did you do to us?" Samantha asked worriedly.

"Oh my darling children, I am so sorry this happened to you," Esther said with sorrow in her voice, "You are in a place called the other side, supernatural creatures come here when they die. And as you both were witches when you died, you came here." She continues "Although this is not the same as the other side, I sent you both here because when the time is right one of you will be able to leave and go back to the real world, but only one. In the meantime, you both have to make a choice. On that table behind you, there are pictures of your siblings, you have to choose one of them and from then on you will be there shadow." Esther finished.

Samantha and Henrik stand there in shock from what their mother just told them. They couldn't really believe that they had to spend the rest of their siblings' lives being the shadow of one of them.

Once they had gotten their heads around what was happening. Henrik and Samantha walked over to the table to make their decision on which one of their siblings they wanted to shadow. Samantha looked at all the pictures and noticed one of them had already gone, it was Niklaus' one. Henrik had decided to be Niklaus' shadow. Samantha couldn't say she was surprised as Henrik and Niklaus were always closer than the rest of them. Samantha sighed and carried on looking at the pictures. She looked at Elijah's first, Samantha had already decided that she was not going to pick him as he was a bit too mature for her, he was a great brother but Samantha preferred to shadow a sibling who was more fun and adventurous. Rebekah was second in line for who Samantha was going to choose to shadow. However, even though she and Rebekah were probably the closest out of them all, Samantha wanted someone to shadow who was more adventurous. Kol was by far the sibling who she could relate to the most. They both had mutual feelings towards their parents. Their parents never really paid any attention to them and the rest of their siblings were all older bar Henrik but even he was accepted by our parents. Samantha assumed it had something to do with how both Kol and Samantha were witches, even though Henrik is a witch, he very rarely used magic. 

After evaluating her options, Samantha decided she was going to choose Kol.

That's when she realised she had made her decision "Mother, I have chosen" Samantha said while handing her the picture of Kol.

"Well, now that you both have chosen. You may say your final goodbyes." Esther said.

Samantha turned to Henrik and give him a bone crushing hug which he returned. "Goodbye Henrik, always and forever?" she said and then held out her pinky finger.

"Always and forever." Henrik says in return and locked their pinky fingers together. Then all Samantha saw was black.


November 2, 1001 A.D.

Samantha woke up and saw that she was lying just behind their house. She stood up and looked around to see Kol standing beside a tree looking towards the ground. 

Walking towards him she could faintly hear him sniffling as though he had been crying. Which was understandable considering what had happened. 

Samantha was now standing next to him and saw that he was looking over at her small make-shift grave. The grave was outlined by fresh dirt as her family has likely recently buried the body. There were red and white roses decorating the make-shift headstone with snowdrops outlining the area where the grave was. 

Looking up at Kol's face, Samantha was taken aback. There was blood all around his mouth, his eyes were bloodshot with veins protruding from just below them. 

That's when Samantha realised, her mother had done what she was planning to do for years, all the notes and ingredients that Samantha had found those few months ago, she never thought that her mother would go through with it, how wrong she was. 

Their mother had turned her siblings into vampires.

Long lost Mikaelson (The Originals and TVD fanfiction) OH HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now