Day Off

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You guys usually just take a lot of walks and just play around in the grass. It always ends up in kisses and cuddles and more.


You spend the day talking about the unimportant things while cleaning his office to perfection. Though it doesn't seem that way, it's really fun and relaxing.


You guys cuddle up under the blankets and read like I wish my nonexistent boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever else would do with me.


So there's this little secret pond you guys found and whenever you get the chance you go out there and swim and do couply things.


You like to take long horse rides out into non-titan infested places. A lot of inside jokes are made, and you both just share whatever's on your minds.


Erwin doesn't get days off, he gets occasional free time. You guys use that free time to do....y''s the thing... Actually, I'll leave it up to your imagination cuz I'm not going into detail about it.


You both sit at an empty table going back and forth and telling each other amazing stories. Hanji tells you all about her research and you tell her all about whatever you can think of.


Y'all go snuggling in a bed and eventually get into ridiculous tickle/pillow fights that can sometimes get violent but not excessively.

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