Chapter 22

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~Ashton's POV~

I opened my eyes and looked over to Shona and remembering last nights events a smile crawled onto my face bringing a fuzzy feeling to my stomach with it, I am a hopeless romantic but I can't help it. She started to stir and then smiled at me "Morning" then we got up and seperated for breakfast, the girls were going on a shopping trip today whilst us lads had a recording session and then we would all meet up for our first concert.

I was looking forward to today, recording was always fun but my mind was fixated on where I would take Shona, what would we do? what did I say? and then the doubts tarted rolling in what if she only agreed to going out with me to make me feel like I wasn't an idiot? what if she felt pressured? does she even like me?, I wasn't even good enough for her, she could do so much better. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind and tried to be positive but I had missed the start of the song and the boys looked at me confused "Ash what's up?" Michael questioned "nothing man, I'm fine, start again" I answered but Michael pushed so I explained everything "woah chill ashton, it's obvious she does like you and she won't want a big fuss anyway, she just wants you" Luke reassured me then Calum joined in quietly "she really really likes you Ash, she's scared tha you don't want her as much as she wants you, Allie told me but you didn't hear it from me" a smile grew from ear to ear on my face, she really did like me, now I just have to show her how much she means to me.

~Shona's POV~

"right! mission get Shona a date outfit is go!" Allie boomed as soon as we walked into a shopping centre, Emily followed with "yup, she has to look more faboo than usual" I just dragged my feet along behind them, I was excited about the date but I was scared that it was a joke or a dare and Ashton didn't really like me at all. After we had gotten into the first shop -a little vintage boutique- I tried on a floral dress with a brown satchel and brogues ~outfit in external link~ "that's it, decided you look beautiful" the others chorused I moved back into the changing room not saying anything. when we went to get a coffee I was questioned about my silence, "I just worry that..." I didn't get chance to finish because Allie chimed in with "Ashton like you a hell lot okay, Calum told me but you didn't hear it from me" I smiled, wow Ashton really did like me. The rest of the day was a lot more relaxed and I had more fun.


This is soooooo short I know but I didn't want you thinking I had left you, I have exams coming upp and I'm suffering from severe writers block so I might not update for a while but I will return I promise because I have big ideas, it's just the getting to them that I can't do.

love you all see you in the next one

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