the beginning of a really lame book

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            Lillian & Kathryn D’s

Adventure of adventures

Once in a land far away from...

Wherever you are. There lived a young girl, this girl had an elf father and a human mother. We are here because she once ran away. And this is how it went. Oh, yeah her name is Salarah Danico.

But of course someone had to follow her, so why couldn’t it be the boy that worked for her family, abandoned when he was too young to remember Salarah's parents took him in.

When he caught up, She asked, ”What do you want?”

“Why are you going?” He asked, obviously ignoring her question.

“Why do you care?” She asked, she's tired of having everything handed to her. She wants to fend for her self.

“I have my reasons.” He said. A little indignantly.

“You know, I don’t even know your name. What's your name?” She asked, wondering why she didn’t know his name. She had known this guy since birth.

“I don’t actually know.” He said, wondering why Mr. Danico and Mrs. Daisy didn’t give him a name.

“Hmmm… How about Steve?” She asked, hopefully.

“Yeah, no thanks.” He said.

“Well how about... Dono?” She said.

“Okay.” Dono said, “So what’s the plan?”

You go back.” She said. She started to running.

BACK? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHICH WAY IS BACK!” He shouted as he ran to catch up.

BAM she hit something. As her sight returned she saw a girl with braided hair rubbing her shoulder.

“Why did you hit me?” Salarah said, rubbing her head.

“What, do you think I go running around trying to hit nine year old elves?” Said the girl, obviously younger than Salarah.

“Did you just call me nine?” She said, Fairly irked now. ”For your information I’m 20 years old.” Poking her shoulder with anger.

“For your information, if you don’t stop poking me I’ll cut off your finger!” The girl said, pulling out a knife.

Salarah took the knife from the girl and said, “Who gives a little girl a knife? Are your parents crazy?”

The girl took her knife back and scowled at Salarah, Salarah scowled back hard. Only stopping when she saw an odd boy behind the girl.

He wasn’t odd because of his long hair or huge smile, it was because all of his clothes were the same color.

“Who’s that?” Salarah said, pointing at the boy out.

The girl turned around and yelled, “PATRICK I TOLD YOU TO STAY AT THE CAMP! WHO’S WATCHING THE FIRE?

Patrick stopped, turned and ran away.

WRONG WAY!” Screamed the girl running after him.

Dono came puffing up to Salarah and huffed, ”W-what was th-that about?”

“Let’s follow them.” Salarah said, she started running again.

“Wait, who?” Dono said, as he started chasing after her again.


As they reached the camp, the girl looking for something

Dono approached and asked her, “What are you looking for?”

“Who, not what." She corrected. "PATRICK, WHERE ARE YOU?” The girl called.

“ZZZzzzZZZILOVEYOUzzzMOMMY.” They heard coming from behind a tree.

The girl tiptoed behind the tree and screamed, "PATRICK, WAKE UP!” the boy jumped and started running away from the angry girl.

”Hi, my name’s Patrick," the boy stopped to say. "and the girl fuming behind the tree is Anna. Speaking of which. Anna, come out we have company.” He sang the last word, which wasn’t pleasing.

Anna came out from behind the tree and started to mind the fire keeping quiet.

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