~Chapter 1~

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-Candy Curtis- Age:16

-Ponyboy(Pony) Curtis- Age:15

-Sodapop(Soda) Curtis- Age:17 3/4

-Darrel(Darry) Curtis- Age: 23

-Dallas(Dally) Winston- Age:18

-Two Bit(Keith)- Age:17 1/2

-Steve Randle- Age:18

-Veronica(Roni) Randle- Age:15

-Johnny Cade- Age:17


                                                                     ~Chapter 1~

           "WAKE UP WAKE UP CANDY IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" Chanted my older brother Sodapop. I try to shove him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. "Sooodaaa!" I whine. "Nope, It's time to get up Candy!" He yells in my ear. Such original names, Candy, Sodapop, and Ponyboy. The only one of us with a normal name in my family is my oldest brother, Darrel, but we call him Darry.

           I was about to get up when I felt another weight pin me down. "Come on Sweets, time to get up!" Called a voice that was all too familiar to me. "Pony! I can't get up with you and Sodapop on me!" I yelp while laughing. The weight was off of my chest no more than two seconds later. "Thank you!" I mock gasp for air. "Im not that heavy!" Soda exclaimed. "If you say so." I answer as I run into the kitchen, only to run into the one and only Dallas Winston.

          We both tumbled down, myself landing on top of him. "Oh god kid!" Dally choked out, then realizing it was me, grinned a wolfish grin. "Well hello there Candy." He said deviously. Dallas Winston, what a catch. I giggled at my own joke, getting Dally's attention. "What's so funny Candy?" Dally asked me with an evil glint in his eyes. "Oh, nothing Mr. Winston!" I answer with mock excitedness. He laughed and shoved me off. "Smart mouth." He stood up and towered over me, and extended me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up so fast that I almost fell on him again. "Thank you." I squeaked out, turning crimson afterwards.

            "Who's ready for BACON!" Darry yelled as he ran into the room in a cooking apron and a plate full of bacon. I laughed at my brothers preformance, it's been awhile since he's been like this, after mom and dad died, he was so broken down, but I guess Soda, Pony and I have gotten him almost back to normal. I love them, most of the time.

           I went up to Darry and took three pieces of bacon off of the plate, grinning widely at him. "Thanks Darry!" I said as I started munching on bacon. "Anytime Candy." He said smiling. That smile. It's so familiar. So comforting. It's dads smile. The bittersweet memories came rushing back to me, dad and I playing dolls when I was younger, him throwing me over his shoulder at the park, launching me into the warm lake. My next thought was mom. Her baking chocolate cake on Sunday mornings, singing me a song before I went to bed, holding me close on her lap as we watched movies.

        "Candy! Are you alright?" I snapped out of my trance to see Dally looking at me funny. "Y-yeah, I'm just fine." I reply, and it's the truth. I am fine now, I mean, I miss them to death, but I have Soda, Pony, Darry, and the rest of the gang. They are my family. And I couldn't have asked for better.

         They all play an important role in my life. Darry bakes with me and helps me with my homework. Sodapop teaches me how to work on cars and how to have fun. Ponyboy watches the sunsets with me and tucks me in at night while recieting poetry, Robert Frost is my favorite. Johnny talks to me whenever I need someone to talk to and goes for walks in the park with me. Two-Bit makes me laugh and teaches me the best jokes and watches Mickey Mouse with me. Steve teaches me how to do flips and how to work at a job. And last but definately not least, Dally. Dally teaches me my street smarts, and no one would guess, but Dally reads with me. We just sit up in my room and read. But if I ever told anyone that, I'd be dead. Veronica, Steve's younger sister, is also like a sister to me. We grew up together, but her parents became Socs after winning the lottery and kicked Steve out because he was too much of a 'Greaser' and they took Roni with them, and I haven't seen her in two years. I'm hoping she comes back though, she was the only girl I knew.

           But I have a good reason for not knowing any other girls. It's al because of-


How is it so far!? Should I make a Chapter 2?? Let me know in comments!! Love you all!! -Morgan Rose

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