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ATHENA had promptly collapsed onto the scarlet chair, that had been lazily pushed up into a corner of the room, upon the exit of the Shadowhunters. She sighed, raking her viridescent hands through her blonde hair. The day's events had been exhausting.

She had used up most of her remaining power for the day when she and Magnus had attempted to contain the memory demon. She figured she deserved the sleep after that.

She was about to crawl into her bed (which looked extremely inviting in that moment) when she heard a knock on the door. She groaned, pulling open the door to reveal Isabelle.

Athena immediately closed the door as soon as she saw the raven-haired girl's face. Isabelle laughed, pulling open the door once again and entering Athena's room. Athena was not one for interacting with people, especially when she and Isabelle were in quite the predicament.

Athena still didn't feel like she belonged with the Lightwood girl. She yearned for her, she wanted to hold Isabelle in her arms and play with the girl's pitch black hair. But, she could not. Athena felt it was for the best. The Shadowhunters despised their kind being romantically involved with Downworlders, despite The Accords.

She knew that Isabelle's parents, Robert and Maryse, held the most disdain for the Downworlders. They certainly wouldn't take kindly to hearing that their perfect daughter was being tainted by a warlock. Nevertheless, a female warlock.

"What are you doing here, Isabelle? I thought you were leaving?" Athena asked. The words that came out of the girl's mouth almost sounded like a whisper. She did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but it had to be done.

"Athena, we need to talk. You can't just keep ignoring me," Isabelle pleaded.

Those were the exact words Athena didn't want to hear. Her eyelids were becoming heavy with utter exhaustion, repeatedly falling closed and then opening right after. Her eyelashes gently brushed against her cheekbones with each close of her eye. She rubbed her fingers against the webbed skin on her eyelids, attempting to wipe away the look of exhaustion on her face.

Isabelle faintly frowned, worried for the girl. She looked as if she were about to pass out right then and there.

"Isabelle, we can't. Your parents wouldn't exactly be happy. And what about you and Meliorn?" Athena questioned. She wanted to end their conversation as soon as possible, in order to collapse onto her bed and fall into a deep sleep.

Isabelle sighed. "I don't care about my parents. I don't care about Meliorn. I'll drop everything for you, Athena. Please." Her voice held so much emotion in it, and Athena wanted to give in. Oh, how she wanted to give in.

But, she could not.

"No, Isabelle," she responded. It sounded as if she were scolding a child, but Isabelle was no child. Isabelle looked at the blonde warlock with pleading eyes, begging her. Athena looked away from Isabelle's gaze. She felt that if she looked any longer, she would burst into a stream of tears.

Isabelle leaned closer to Athena, so much so that the blonde could feel the girl's breath fanning against her face. "Stop," Athena mumbled. She bit her lip, pushing her body away from Isabelle as much as possible. A fresh stream of ichor flowed into the girl's mouth from her lip biting, a metallic taste spreading throughout.

Isabelle sighed and backed away from the warlock, sitting herself upon the sheets of Athena's lavish bed. Magnus did have a great sense for decoration.

"Please," Isabelle repeated her plea from moments before. Athena shook her head, blonde hair flying about and plastering against her sweaty skin. When had it become so hot in the room?

"No," Athena forced out through gritted teeth. She willed herself to not give in, forced herself not to.

Isabelle leaned closer once again, this time directly in front of the blonde haired warlock. Chocolate eyes met ocean eyes, and suddenly, Isabelle's lips were on her own. Athena couldn't bring herself to pull away from Isabelle's lips. Instead, she leaned in.

The kiss did not last long. Their lips touched for a few seconds before Athena willed herself to pull away. It was as if a thousand alarms had been blaring in her head, urging her to stop.

There was the tiniest sliver of a smile on Isabelle's face. Athena's face did not hold the same expression, however. She held a look of sadness upon hers.

"We shouldn't have done that," Athena whispered. She placed her tiny fingers onto her plump lips, she could still feel the pressure on her lips from when they were engaged in the kiss previously.

Tears suddenly burst out of the girl's eyes, flowing freely down her rosy cheeks. Isabelle gasped and sat next to the girl in the tiny red chair, wrapping her arms around her.

"It's okay," Izzy consoled. She squeezed the girl she had grown fond of tighter, willing her to stop crying.

Athena looked up into Isabelle's eyes and felt a small smile tug at her lips. She wiped away the remaining tears on her face and leaned into the Shadowhunter's touch.

"Stay," Athena spoke, words light on her lips. Isabelle nodded, tucking a lock of Athena's hair behind the girl's ear. She picked up Athena's fragile body, carrying her to the bed and gently setting her down.

Isabelle climbed into the bed on the other side, snuggling into Athena's warm body. She wrapped her arms around the blonde, engulfing the girl's petite frame into a hug.

Athena sighed, and buried her head into Isabelle's shoulder. Athena knew this was wrong. She knew she should have stopped it the moment they had kissed.

But she couldn't make herself do it.

No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she liked it. She should have pushed Isabelle away and told the girl to leave, but she couldn't. Athena was filled with regret and hatred for her previous actions. She sighed, letting her eyes close and pull her into a deep sleep.

It had certainly been a long day.


a/n: hello! i think i'm going to publish the rest of my pre-written chapters and then discontinue this. i really lack the motivation to continue this, however, if anyone would like to take this plot & write this themselves (maybe in the second season?) please pm me and we can work it out!! i apologize for discontinuing this but it's so hard to write something that you don't look forward to writing & i hope you can understand.

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