Eminent Hearts [3]

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Without hesitation, I typed in the code that turned off my house alarm.

“Jackson,” I called out into the hallway. “Bring her in.  I believe you know where to put her.”

“Yep.” Jackson strode in, his long legs gracefully made their way to the second bedroom.

As I was pulling off my jacket, he already had the office door open and was placing her on the futon. I had opened it up before I left for the premiere. Stacey had said earlier that she might be staying the night tonight.

This may or may not have been the way she intended to spend it, but with Stacey who knows.

“Thanks, Jay.” I smiled at him as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He was always so gentle and never complained about having to do this.

He smiled back—one of the few British people I know who has perfect teeth.  “No problem, milady. Is there anything else you need?”

“Nah, we’re good.”

“All righty, milady. Have a good night.” He waved, taking his leave.

“You too, Jay. Night!” Waving back.

The front door shut with a click.  And now I was—somewhat—alone in my house.

House? No, that wasn’t right.  It wasn’t really a ‘house’ per say. It’s an apartment; one that is right next door to my sister’s place.

When I first moved to LA I wanted a nice little loft with a futon, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a closet. No TV. But maybe a stereo.  However, since Cameron is a bit more high maintence that I am, she and I compromised.  I’d go with whatever type of complex she choose, just as long as I had my own living space—no roommates whatsoever.

She chose Clearview Towers, a pearl white, artsy apartment complex for those with a deep wallets and a taste for either midnight strolls on the beach or partying into the wee hours at night.  The location was perfect for both.

Not exactly what I had in mind, but I couldn’t complain.

The apartment I chose—the manager was happy to let me pick whatever dwelling I wanted—was just about perfect. It opened into a small entry way that led into a beautiful, open living room with pure white walls and light wooded floors.  The living room furniture was set inside a squared area that was a step deeper than the rest of the floor.  Behind that was a set of floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the famous west coast beach and the little shops that surrounded it.  If you did a 90 degree turn, you’d see that the little kitchen was tucked in the corner right next to the second bedroom.  At first it didn’t look like much, but it was quite equipped and there was a lot of space to move around.

 Move into the second bedroom and you’d see that it was painted a dark blue color with two more floor-to- ceiling windows on the farthest side of the room.  The master bedroom was quite beautiful. Though it wasn’t too much bigger than the secondary room, it was painted with a daisy yellow hue and had a whole wall that was dedicated as a window that looked over not only the beach but the dazzling downtown area of LA.  The bathroom was a pretty nice too.  But who needs me to describe its every detail?

I threw my jacket that I’d been holding on a stool by the kitchen bar, and made my way over to the couch. From there I kicked my heels off; my feet were as red as tomatos from those infernal shoes.

 Twisting and stretching, my whole body felt sore and stiff, high tale signs that I was exhausted.

“Gawd dammit.” I muttered to myself, rubbing the back of my head, feeling the quarter-sized lump that was developing back there. I grunted as a face immediately appeared with the recollection of the lump: Aaron Quinn.  That bastard was still in my pathetic, little brain.  I knew that Ass would find me sooner or later.  It was only a matter of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2012 ⏰

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