Eminent Hearts [2]

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**Please check out the Cover Contest for this story! It's been tweeked!**


I entered the theatre’s threshold, where the lobby was wide—though dimly light.  For the most part, there were barely any people in the foyer. Many of the guests had already gone in to take their seats and converse in there, where there’s more room.

I would be doing the same exact thing if I hadn’t spotted my best friend on the other side of the room, arguing most severely with her significant other.

I groaned.

Cam noticed too and shook her head slightly in disapproval, “Stacey really needs to work on realizing where she’s at before she starts stuff like this.”

I didn’t say anything. Truth of the matter is: Stacey Donald knows exactly what she’s doing. The real problem was to getting her to stop.

And that’s where I come in.

“What the fuck was that, Jason? Why the hell would you say that to a reporter?” Stacey hissed viciously at him.

Jason shrugged. “He asked a question. I gave him an answer. Isn’t that how it works?”

“No! Not when they’re asking if we’re going to break up!”She stabbed into his chest. “You’re feeding into the fucking rumor mill, Jason!” Stacey voice was rising quickly; her body was rigid with anger at his apparent ignorance.

He rolled his eyes, annoyed now. “Stace, give me a break. All I said was: ‘We all have our rough patches’.”

 “That implies that we might break up! Or that we DID!”

“But we aren’t.”

Stacey slapped her forehead, frustrated. “Fuck, Jason! You weren’t even supposed to answer! You were to ignore the paparazzi today!”

“I’m sorry! I got tired of them hammering me repeatedly!  I wasn’t thinking! My bad!”He shouted right back, finally losing his cool.

Stacey only sighed; her eyes were teared up and face was tinted crimson from the heat of the argument. They both didn’t break eye contact, the glares were cold and full of raw emotion.

This…was definitely not what I needed right now.

“You guys have major issues.” I intruded, realizing that they might literally stare at each other like that the whole night. 

Both of them immediately snapped out of their stare-down showdown, and looked at me in surprise and embarrassment.

Stacey spoke first. In her typical way, she blurted her apologize about how rude she was for not noticing my presence earlier and et cetera, et cetera. I waved her off, like I always do. Cam—who had followed me as I walked over to them—felt awkward standing there from the get-go so she left mid-way through Stacey’s speech.  Jason only mumbled an almost coherent “sorry” and walked off. I sympathized with him; dealing with Stacey isn’t an easy job sometimes.

“I can’t believe you even came!” Stacey squealed as she wrapped her arms around me. “I thought for sure you’d skip.”

Annoyed that she once again forgot that I hate being touched, I muttered,“Yeah, I promised Cam. Now would you let go of me, please?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. And what promise?” Cocking her head, curious.

“After this I’m heading home for a few weeks.  So basically I have to suck it up until then.”

Eminent HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz