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 I hope you guys enjoy the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Lacey Mourn was just a troubled child. She grew up in a small town named Trumpner Town a few minutes from Shea City. As a toddler she always would be found in the kitchen cabinet sniffing baby powder. 17 years has past, she's now a teenager that craves attention. Amyia Grimludge, a skinny tan blonde 5'2 rich snobby want to be Brittney Spears was her foe. Amyia and her 3 friends Ginger Carmichael, Zerina Magritte, and Kayloriana Volker bullied Lacey because she wasn't up to date on the latest trends. This drove Lacey to an entirely different world.

She began to hide out in a nearby forest where she would capture small animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks poking them with sharp pieces of wood until one hard poke went right through their helpless small bodies. She enjoyed the vibration of them squirming at the end of the stick. She then decided to build a tree house from the trees that had fallen from the storm that had just passed. Lacey needed to get more supplies so she asked her mother for some cash. On her way to the city she came across a wheat field. She picks a few and chewed one continuing her journey.

Once she arrived in the city a tall dark and handsome well-dressed man in designer clothes asked if she was a smoker. She said no but she'll like to try. The man then said come with me. As they are walking into the apartment building he pulls out a bag with a light brown substance. What's that? Lacey asked. Wheat the man replies as he opens his apartment door. Lacey enters his apartment gazing at his beautiful antique collection and petting his friendly blue nose pit-bull named Missy. They both sit on the couch, Lacey watches the man roll the wheat up in a strip of brown paper. Lacey asks the man his name. The man says oh man I'm sorry, my name is Braxton call me Rex. What is your name miss? Rex asked. My name is Lacey she replies. She goes into her bag pulling out the wheat she had collected on her way there. Lacey says here you need this more than I do. Rex looks over gracefully. Thank you so much!!

I needed more but I was too lazy to go out of the city. You're welcome Rex. He then lit the wheat inhaling and exhaling the smoke. He passes it to Lacey; she takes a puff and coughs. Damn she says that shit strong! Rex laughs, I know that's why I smoke that instead of weed it hits you quicker, and you stay high longer. Lacey continues smoking, god Rex I'm high as hell. The passing back and forth continues until the wheat is finished. Rex stands up and says come Lacey I have sales to make and I'm sure you have things to do as well. Oh right! Yes let's go. Rex hugs Lacey thanking her for the wheat and hands her his number. Call me when you want to visit again Lacey. Sure thing Rex. They both exit the building going in opposite directions. Lacey buys the supplies she needs from the hardware store and head back home. I'm like extremely blown, I think I see Satan! Lacey says to herself. She goes to the forest to finish her tree house.

A week later she calls Rex telling him she has more wheat for him. She goes to his apartment again this time wanting to learn how to roll the wheat up. He teaches her and she buys an ounce from him. She goes back to her tree house smoking her wheat feeling so high she forgets she's in her own body. That night it began to rain. Lacey wanted to get back at Amyia so she went to her nemesis house. She crept past the picket fence, went through the backdoor and up the stairway to Amyia's room. Lacey opens her foes room door; she carefully taped Amyia's hands, feet, and mouth up. Lacey then began dragging Amyia out of her bed slowly. Amyia woke up immediately after her back hit the floor. She began to squirm and shriek. Lacey grabs Amyia's jewelry box and continuously strikes her in her head until she lost consciousness. Lacey then continues slowly dragging Amyia's unconscious body outside into the wet weather. Lacey took her to her tree house in the middle of the forest and tied Amyia up to a chair. Amyia looks up at Lacey in fear.

Lacey says hello bitch, who's under dressed now? Lacey began to pull Amyia's finger nails off one by one with a pair of pliers. Then Lacey skinned her head slowly with a sharp steak knife loving the scuffed sound of her screaming, shedding tears and squirming. Lacey then shows Amyia her own flesh with hair attached. Amyia passes out at the sight. Lacey untied Amyia fully laying her upon the cold wood floor cutting off her nightgown writing bully deep in her abdomen. Amyia begins to squirt blood everywhere so Lacey drags Amyia to the back of her own home leaving her bloody cold dead body on the damp soil. One bitch down, Lacey says to herself while covering her tracks.

The next day Lacey is awaken by the sound of her alarm on her phone. She enters her kitchen, saying good morning mother. Lacey's mom says "Amyia was found dead this morning in her backyard" OH wow about time that snob went away, how did she die? She was tortured to death Lacey's mother said. She had it coming karma came back hard on the girl. Lacey stepped out into the moist weather staring at the Police and CSI cars down the road. As she returns to her home with a small smirk upon her face, in her head, she's plotting a new torture for the rest of the girls. Amyia's investigation was still in progress when the next victim was chosen. Ginger Carmichael was next on Lacey's list.

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