Chapter 4

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The Claymores arrived a few minutes later, just in time to witness 1/10 of Teresa's awesome power. Noel realized just what was happening over the hill. Those were some big Yoki auras, and sweet Christ were they going at it. Going over the hill, it became clear just who was more powerful.

Pricilla was a mess, her muscles grotesquely bulging, her skin was definitely purple now, her hair had become spikey, both of her shoulders were cut and bleeding, and drool was liberally flowing from her fang-filled maw.

Everyone watched in shock as Pricilla went past her limit, her back bulging and warping. The poor girl fell to her knees in front of Teresa, her hideous form begging for mercy. Unfortunately, the only mercy was death. She was ready too, Pricilla the Number 2 was ready to die and join her family in Heaven, but Pricilla the Yoma was listening to her self-preservation instincts. So she cut off her executioner's hands.

In the microsecond it took for everyone's brains to register what the hell just happened, the Yoma that was Pricilla was sailing forward on a path to decapitate the Faint Smile. The best part? It would be an easy kill; the Number 1 was still trying to register what happened to her hands.

Pricilla's blade was millimeters away from Teresa's neck...but Pricilla was sent flying back by a hard kick to the abdomen.

Clare suddenly noticed the absence of a certain Primordial right next to her, and noticed said Primordial standing right in front of Teresa with his leg still up from kicking Pricilla to high Heaven.

"Whelp. That could have gotten bloodier than necessary." Percy said as he lowered his leg back to the ground and turned to Teresa.

Teresa, returning to the world of reality, frowned at the Primordial. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" she said as she raised the stubs were her hands used to be up to his face.

Percy leaned back and pushed away Teresa's regenerating arms. "I could have, but I have interfered with the balance of this universe enough. The temporary loss of your hands was the only way I could peacefully interfere with your fate. Your welcome."

Teresa and the others just stared at him in disbelief, completely baffled by his words.

Percy looked at the others, and blinked in confusion. "What? Did I do or say something wrong?"

Teresa snapped out of her momentary trance. "No, you didn't, but to go out of your way to save my life...thank you."

Percy smiled at her. "It's no biggie. I would be happy to do it again."

Teresa asked a question that had been bugging her ever since they entered the previous town. "Why? Why go out of your way to save my life? Wasn't balance one of your domains? Why go against your own nature?"

Percy chuckled at her. He gave her his famous lopsided grin. "Because you're interesting, and I don't think little Clare here would be too happy with me otherwise." He turned to look at a teary-eyed Clare. "She has such a beautiful smile, it would be such a shame if it ever disappeared."

Clare's willpower finally gave away once he said that. Her mouth became a relieved smile and she began to cry. She ran up to the two powerful people and gathered them into a near-bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you for saving Teresa, thank you for helping us." She cried as she spoke to Percy. Her voice was muffled from her face being pressed against the Primordial's stomach.

Percy, surprised by the hug, patted Clare's head affectionately. "There, there, Clare. No need to cry." He placed his fingers under her chin and raised her head. He smiled as he spoke. "Where's that smile of yours?" She cracked a smile. "There it is. Never, ever, lose that smile."

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