Chapter 6

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I watched Josie drag Sam out unable to do anything. I looked over at Luke hoping he would do something like trip Josie. He looked back at me and he looked like he was waiting for me to move. Josie disappeared and I felt like I’d smashed from the inside. “Well Tanners I’ll make sure to tell your girl you said hi you know before your slut shows me hers”, Dalton smirked, “see you around”. We both lunged at him I was going to murder the asshole if he touched Sam. I should be more worried about Josie but I’d never worried about anyone like I worried about Sam.

“If you hurt her you’ll pay”, I hissed.

“And you thought you two could just be friends”, he laughed then they all left.

“What was that?” I yelled at Luke.

“Me you’re the one who was all starry eyed at your ex girlfriend”, he said angrily, “she’s my muse and you didn’t even move towards your fiancée”.

“Sam was the one in danger though”, I reminded him.

“They’re both in danger you nitwits now are you going to help or not?” Ellen yelled causing both of us to jump.

“If you were so worried about Sam why didn’t you grab her”, Luke said pissed off.

“Because Josie could have killed her do you want her to die?” I replied furiously.

“Guys…” Tucker said trying to get in between us.

“It’s your fault she got kidnapped”, Luke said angrily.

“You’re one to talk she only came to me because you’re a total asshole”, I said.

“Hey”, a small voice said.

“Today you’re going down”, Luke said and we started at each other.

“HEY”, three voices screamed and Sage got in my way and the twins got Luke’s way.

“Sage move”, I said trying to calm myself down a little.

“Dad stop acting like a child you’re not helping Sam”, she said seriously.

“Hate to break to you niece but Sam is most likely already dead”, Luke said sternly.

“No she’s not I can hear her thoughts she’s just human again”, she said shaking her head.

“Human”, Luke said amused. I glared at him and so did everyone else.

“Touch her and die”, I growled.

“Move out of the way”, he said glaring at the boys.

“You touch us and mom will kill you personally and you know it”, James said seriously, “are you willing to take that risk?” We all looked at Luke and I knew he won’t risk making Sam angry over the twins. We went home and he came with us even though having him near the twins was a really bad idea. I was surprised Sam hadn’t killed me for letting him near them. She’d been so worried about Josie which really confused me. She and Sage were already close she knew more about Sage than I did and I’d known her her entire life. I missed Sam like crazy already and I felt like an idiot for not moving as Josephine pulled her out of the building.

“DAD”, Sage said and I reentered reality just in time to steer around an approaching vehicle and get back in our lane.

“Sorry”, I said clearing my throat.

“We don’t need two car accidents in one day”, Yvonne said relieved.

“Yvonne”, David said shaking his head.

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