Remember Me

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"Mom Jamie stole my binoculars to look at the girls next door", Alex called.


"James stop looking and give your brother his binoculars back", I called loudly.


"But mom", he complained.


"You heard me mister", I said louder. He knew better than to complain anymore when I used that tone.


"Fine", he sighed then added, "tattletale".


"I heard that both of you in here it's the first day of school you need to eat breakfast", I said while I made lunches.


"Do we have Special K", Alex asked running in. He was so adorable I wish they didn’t have t grow up so fast. I couldn’t imagine growing up without being able to see your reflection then again I was a girl.


"Nerd", James coughed.


"Oh James it's your turn to unload the dishwasher", I said with a polite smile. Alex smiled and he was practically skipping over to the cereal cabinet. He should know better than to try and rub it in.


"And you're going to help him", I said leaning against the island.

I dropped them off at school kissing them both on the cheek. They were nine right now both geniuses at their own craft. Alexander was smart and got great grades in school while James got poor grades but had a hell of an imagination. James had light brown hair like mine and deep brown eyes like his father while Alex had light brown hair and my smoky blue eyes. Any dummy would know they were mine especially since I was at every meeting and at most of their activities. I went to work at the local Wal-mart and immersed myself in putting price tags on and helping customers. I was going down one of the back aisles when I ran into someone.


"Excuse me miss can you pop a vein", the man said spinning a strand of my hair.


"Boy that one’s getting old who are you?" I laughed.


"I know your boyfriend he killed my boss", he hissed.


"You know who?" I said raising an eyebrow, "I don't have a boyfriend".


"Oliver Tanner I know you know him", he said seriously. I felt like he’d staked me already hearing his name was like drinking poison.


"I have no idea what you're talking about but I suggest you get out of this town", I said seriously.


"Are you going to make me?" he said touching my butt.


"Okay lesson one", I said twisting his wrist back and bent it behind his back, "never touch your assailant in that spit unless you have a death wish".


"You're human", he said confused. Oh he was a newbie that was almost sweet but he was still a problem.


"How long have you been looking for me?" I said with a laugh.


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