Side Story - Mordecai's Night

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I have no idea whether or not I'll keep this chapter - this is just a bit of what happened that night from Mordecai's perspective. I'm slightly worried about writing from his perspective - I don't know how I'll develop a layered personality for him as he was mainly comedic relief and a plot device covered in idiocy.

Lets try this then! >.< (Notice the bold emoticon, just to emphasize the trepidation I'm feeling at the thought of this venture. I also thought this venture could do without about 100 words - hence the foreword. :D) (Emoticons count as words too... good to know.)

Mordecai stepped out of the palace as he did every other night - wishing that he had eaten just a little less. He ran into this issue every night, but abstaining from all of the wonderful foods was such hard work! Much easier just to put up with any extra pain caused by sneaking around on a full stomach.

The guards by the gate were gone as usual, by this time of night already embroiled in their gambling and drinking games. He had noticed their uncouth practices quite a while ago, but had only started to take advantage of them a month back when he started sneaking out to have the nightly meetings he spoke at now.

Never before had he thought that the peasants were so easy to convince! He had been sure that it would take longer than a year to get all of the elements for a reversal of power in place, but instead all of the commoners had flocked to him immediately with an enthusiasm he had never thought them capable of. Even a commoner knew a good idea when he saw one.

The lights along most of the streets were out by this time of night - it saved valuable lamp-oil to only leave the lights on in some areas of the city, and that was what his father cared about the most. One of the first laws he tried to pass would be one that made the lights mandatory; a law that would help and protect everyone who had jobs that they had to do at night. He would also try to get a force for stopping crimes in place, but he had never heard of an efficient way to start one of those. That was besides the point however, thought for another night.

The square where the meeting would be held was just as packed as ever - a testament to his oratory skills, he was sure. They were obliging enough to clear a path for him, too, so the trip to the center of the gathering was an easier one than he had anticipated. He was never a very athletic person - shoving others out of the way would've required a great deal of effort.

Stepping up to the makeshift stage that had been prepared for him, Mordecai happily opened his mouth and proceeded to do what he was best at - speaking everything that came into his mind in the most flowery way he could think of.


When the speech was over, Mordecai could see that he'd done a good job once again. Most of the peasants wore speculative looks or were chatting among themselves over what had been said - meaning that soon, nearly all of the commoners in the city would know the contents of his lecture. That was good- but he had to get back to the keep before anyone knew he was missing.

Discarding all of the care that he had used in sneaking to the gathering, he rushed out of the square down the path he had come from. He noticed a few more guards than usual on his route back to the castle, meaning that he would have to be more careful tomorrow. It wouldn't do to let the nobles know what was being planned, after all. They'd get quite upset if they found out that he had taken his eyes to an accepting lower class after they mocked him - they'd go and do something rash like call the guards on him, or go through quieter means of removal.

Mordecai shook his head; this was all nonsense, after all. He wasn't getting caught tonight, just like he had avoided being found out over the past month. As long as he stayed careful, he'd make it out of this alive. He'd even become the ruler of his own city, filled with laws and justice for everyone. He slipped into his daydreams as he completed the last leg of his journey to the keep.

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